My Brothers Bestfriend 24

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When I wake up I'm freezing cold. I pull my duvet further up and tuck it around me, curling into a little ball. And then I frown when I remember what happened last night. Caleb and I were very nearly caught kissing by my brother.

&~ Flashback

"Did you hear that?" Caleb mutters, pushing off of me a little. "Sounds like Jake's awake,"

I'm silent for a moment, listening, and no doubt I can hear Jacob's footsteps on the stairs.

"Go," I shove Caleb. "Jacob's coming and I don't want him to murder you,"

"We have to tell him eventually," Caleb whispers as he jumps up. He extends his hand to help me up too. "I don't want to lie to him,"

"We are not telling Jacob," I say forcefully. "Not right now. Go!"

Caleb stares down at me with a slight frown on his face before nodding. "Okay," He holds my face gently before kissing me softly. "Miss you,"

"I'll miss you when you're dead," I roll my eyes and shove him again, giggling. "Please leave,"

Caleb salutes me and then he's gone. I stare after him for a moment before turning away, only to see Jacob watching me curiously.

"What are you doing down here?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

I blush under his scrutinising stare, and I could swear he already knows. "Um," I stutter stupidly. "I'm just getting some water. I'm thirsty,"

"Well for your future late night cravings for water," He says slowly, unfolding his arms. "You'll find it in the kitchen, not in the middle of the fucking lounge room,"

I watch as he walks away angrily. He definitely knows. He has to! He's broody as fuck! Although he did just wake up. And surely if he knew, or at least seen something, he'd have definitely said so.

I groan and follow his trail to the kitchen, deciding I'd better stick to the lie I've already told. I grab a glass and fill it with water before drinking it all. I could definitely use it, my face feels more red than a tomato.

Jacob sips his own water, watching me silently. It's an uncomfortable, awkward moment in which for the first time ever, I'm not sure how to act around my brother.

"Well I'm going to bed," I announce quietly. "I'll see you in the morning,"

"Sure," He mutters.

&~ End of Flashback

Jacob's POV

I lay in bed thinking.

Last night I asked Stefanie to come over. We agreed on her using the back door, hoping that would be quieter than the front door so that we wouldn't wake Kasey.

I think I've already managed to piss Stefanie off though. We spoke a little, not much, mostly hooked up. I knew she wanted to go further, all the way, her advances were clear as to what she wanted. But I couldn't bring myself to sleep with the girl.

She's beautiful, she really is. And her body is out of this world. But I was worried that if I went all the way with Stef last night, she would think I was using her or something. It sounds stupid when I try to explain it, but I just know Stefanie is special, and I know the right thing to do is to take it slow.

We almost got caught last night. When we eventually forced ourselves to recognise that she should be leaving, I insisted on peering into Kasey's room to be sure she was sleeping. But she wasn't even in there.

&~ Flashback

"I'm going to go see if she's downstairs," I whisper to Stef.

"Jacob I think we should just leave her," Stef says quietly. "Maybe she needs some time to herself after everything,"

"Nah nobody wants to be alone," I insist and she sighs. I think Stefanie knows exactly what's going on, I think she knows that our best friends are hooking up. I smile at her anyway. "Wait in my room? I'll be back in a minute,"

She shrugs, sighing again before heading back into my room.

As I near the staircase I can hear them, Kasey and Caleb, moaning. That's fucking gross. I head down, stopping on the third last step so that I can peer into the lounge. Careful they don't see me, I catch sight of them making out on the floor and cringe. Ew! Why did I look? More than fucking gross, it's putrid to witness.

I look away from them, saving myself from going permanently blind, and stomp down on the step: once, twice, three times. That's enough warning, I decide before slowly going down the rest of the stairs. I'll pretend I need water.

I glance at them surreptitiously to see my best friend holding her face, so gently, like she's so fragile, and staring at her like she's his whole world. Kind of cute, but still fucking gross.

I block out their conversation and watch him leave through the front door before I walk up behind Kasey. Now she will be forced to wonder if I seen anything or not. I smirk to myself, but drop it quickly when she turns to face me.

"What are you doing down here?" I lift my eyebrows, staring at her intently.

She stutters a few times before muttering something about needing water. All the while I try to remain impassive.

"Well for your future late night cravings for water," I say slowly, trying not to let my frustration show. "You'll find it in the kitchen, not in the middle of the fucking lounge room,"

I didn't mean to swear but honestly, why do they have to like one another? Out of the whole school population, why each other? And beyond that, why can't they just fucking tell me?

I finish my cup of water and watch as Kasey fills one up. She drinks it all down, lost in her thoughts, and I see Stefanie creeping past the kitchen entryway. She winks at me before blowing me a kiss and I feel my eyes widen. Fuck she's hot.

Kasey tells me goodnight. I wait for her to get upstairs before sighing and putting my prop in the sink and then following her lead, suddenly aching to be in my bed.

&~ End of Flashback

I groan and finally force myself to get out of bed and get in the shower. As I wash my hair I get lost in my thoughts.

A few weeks ago I was considering asking Caleb to move into one of the spare rooms. But now that he's doing whatever he's doing with my sister, I don't think that's such a good idea.

I turn off the shower and rest my head against the wall, smirking. I know what I can do at school today. It's only a matter of time before Caleb's here and fuck am I going to make it obvious that I know what's up. I'm going to make him squirm.

I may be okay with them seeing each other, or dating, or whatever they're calling it, but I'm not okay with them hiding it from me. And so help me God if he knocks up my sister then he's fucking dead.

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