My Brothers Bestfriend 48

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------STEFS P.O.V!------

I'd never really given MUCH thought to kids, but I knew that someday, I DID want to have them. I was pretty fond of children; I got along with them well, and I always thought I'd be a really cool mum... I guess now I won't ever have that chance of knowing. I could feel the tears leaking down out of the brim of my eyes, but I didn't bother to wipe them; I let them fall. Kasey held me tighter, and I was vaguely aware that Jake was saying goodbye to Josh and Dayna. After giving their best wishes, they left. I turned into Kasey and just cried, not knowing what else to do. Soon enough I fell asleep.

------JACOBS P.O.V!------

I watched Stef sleeping through her tears, which were still slowly falling from her eyes, even though she was asleep. I sighed as I turned to Kasey. "I think you should go home and sleep, its 12:39am, you know?" I told her seriously. She groaned and shook her head no. "Kasey! She's asleep! And even if she wakes up, I'll be here! Besides, you're stealing my job, I'm supposed to hug her while she sleeps and comfort her while she cries!" I jokingly pouted as Kasey sighed. "I guess in a sense you're right; but she's my bestfriend! You have to SHARE!" She told me sternly as Caleb laughed. "Fine, just because I'm generous. But don't worry; you don't need to share Caleb. You can have him... ALL of him." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively as she blushed and pointedly looked away. Caleb laughed even harder, and I smirked at Kay.

She got up from under Stef, and before I replaced her in her spot I gave Caleb a man hug as he stood up. I gave Kasey a hug goodnight and jumped into bed with Stef and leant her head down on me. They left straight away after grabbing my house keys; trust Kasey to lock her keys in the house! I snuggled closer into Stef and sighed.

This is my entire fault; I should be in the bed, not Stef. I should have something wrong with me, something horribly wrong, not Stef. Stef should be able to have kids, she should be able to experience every experience there is! But because of me, that's not possible anymore; she'll never know or understand motherhood. I feel more guilty then I think someone ever has, and I wish I could turn back the clock and just pause; pause while I take Stef and place her in another scene, somewhere far, far away, where she wouldn't be able to take the pain for me.

I felt tears leak to my eyes but I roughly forced them away. I can't cry, I can't cry. I closed my eyes to ensure this. "Jake?" I suddenly heard Stef ask in a sleepy voice. She sat up a little bit as I opened my eyes and watched her rub out all of her sleep. "Stef... You should get back to sleep." I told her quietly, but she only sighed sadly. She then laid back down, snuggling in closer to me. It was silent for at least seven minutes before she spoke in a small, sad voice. "You know... I wanted to have kids one day. Maybe not right now, but some day." She sighed again and I felt tears come back to my eyes. "Stef... I-I'm so sorry, this is all my fault! I should have pushed you awa-" "Stop! I choose this Jake, it wasn't you at all! And I would never, ever take back my decision. I would jump in front of a bullet for you!" She told me as she turned in my arms to look at me. I sighed before running my right hand over her right cheek. "I love you, and I'm still sorry."

------STEF'S P.O.V!------

"I love you, and I'm still sorry." He said after sighing again. I nodded my head. Suddenly an idea came to my mind, it should have been obvious; adoption! As if reading my mind, Jake said randomly, "I mean... I guess there's adoption, we could always adopt." He told me thoughtfully, and I immediately smiled. But he then blushed tomato red, and I have no idea why. "I mean, I uh, meant, you... You could always adopt." Is he serious? I voiced my thoughts to him. "Are you serious? I was just thinking that same thing, it JUST came to me! And again, are you serious? Of course WE could adopt!" I emphasized the, 'We'. "I plan to spend the rest of my life with you, Jacob, and if I'm adopting you're gonna have to, too! Because there's no getting rid of me!" I smiled at him as he chuckled, going back to his normal color. "I love you, too, by the way." He smiled before leaning down and kissing me, making my heart beat uncontrollably fast on the machine.

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