My Brothers Bestfriend 14

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I open my eyes to see I'm still in the laundry. My mouth is dry and my body numb, I almost feel paralysed.

"It's all for a bit of fun!" I move my head to my right to look at Tyler, who's standing up with an annoyed expression. He glances at me and smirks. "She's into it, dude,"

"Not," I want to tell him that no, I'm not into it, and I want to yell and kick and scream at him for making me feel so hopeless, but there's a weight pushing down on me and it's as though the passage from my brain to my mouth has ceased, and my words are coming out broken without much sense to them. "Not gone,"

"She can't even fucking talk!" I know that voice. My eyes move to the doorway and I see Caleb there, his eyes hard and his demeanour rigid.

"She will be fine," Tyler rolls his eyes. He looks down at me and reaches out to grab my arm. "Come on, I'll take you upstairs to bed,"

I begin to shake my head but it makes the ache so much worse.

"Like hell you will!" Caleb snaps and before my mind can process much, Caleb's fist has connected with the side of Tyler's head.

"Not Tyler," I can hear that my words aren't coming out how I want them to, I'm forgetting to say some and they're jumbled. I know what's happening but it's as though I don't have the ability for proper responses.

I feel my eyes begin to spot again and I'm engulfed once more in darkness.

"Kasey," I hear Caleb's voice in my ear and I'm trying to open my eyes but it's so hard. "Come on, baby,"

After a few seconds that feel like days I finally manage to open my eyes. He's carrying me up the stairs.

"Caleb!" Stacy's shrill goes through my head and I cringe. She's too loud. "Why did you take off? Why are you carrying her?"

I try to listen to Caleb's response but I can't hear over the loud music. "Bed need Jacob,"

I want to scream in frustration, my words are the opposite of what I want to say. Where has my ability to talk and communicate gone? Why has Tyler drugged me? Where is Jacob? He can't find me like this.

"I'll take you to bed and then I'll find Jacob, okay, but you need to sleep this off," Caleb whispers gently and I feel him caress my face.

"No Jacob," I mutter.

"I'm Caleb," He says quickly, his voice hurt. "Caleb, not Jake,"

I know that! I try to say but no words leave my mouth. I try to move closer to Caleb, his warmth making me groggy. I allow my eyes to droop closed.

"Don't sleep now," Caleb says. "Not here,"

I feel my eyes tear up but I can't stop them. Caleb hates me.

"Hey, don't cry," He coos. I didn't know my eyes were open again. He pauses to open my bedroom door. "You need a bed, Kase,"

He pulls back the covers and lays me down. He pulls the duvet back over me and tucks me in, making me shiver from the gesture. He turns to leave the room.

"Wait no Jacob," I say too quickly.

"No," He turns to look at me. His eyes are narrowed and I can't tell if it's because of me or if he's still angry. "No Jacob," He agrees.

"Wait kiss here," I blush when I hear my words, and his eyes widen. "Me," I attempt to fix my broken sentence.

He moves back over to me and hesitates before laying down next to me. "How do you feel? Do you want some water?"

"Yes," I say but I manage to shake my head no.

"Okay," He frowns.

It's silent and I take a moment to look at his face, his bright, angry eyes, his strong jaw and slight stubble. Gosh he's beautiful.

"Kiss me," They're the first words I've uttered that have coincided and have made sense. I blush again but I ignore it. I want him to kiss me.

His eyes widen as he realises that he did understand me correctly earlier. Hesitantly, he moves his head closer to mine before he gently pushes his lips against mine. I'm unable to physically kiss him back, but I make a funny little noise in the back of my throat because I've missed him. His tongue licks my lower lip and I want nothing more than to be able to kiss him back.

"I can't do this," He says as he suddenly pulls away from me. "You can't even kiss me back!"

"Care don't," I say through clenched teeth. I don't care! Kiss me again!

"And I'm falling in love with you," He whispers.

What? I feel the darkness trying to consume me again but I try to resist it. Say it again! Tell me again!

"This..." He sits up and puts his head in his hands. "This is so wrong to me. Because you don't want me. Not like I want you,"

I try to sit up but I can't move. I stare at him wide-eyed from my position as my brain begins to go fuzzy again.

"Kasey I don't just lust for you, okay? I'm actually so into you," He says angrily. "And it annoys the fuck out of me that you don't like me,"

My head is thumping and it's becoming hard for me to breathe properly. "Stop," I beg.

"You've been drugged, you can't move, you can't even fucking talk," He growls. "I don't want you to want me to kiss you only sometimes - I won't take advantage of you like that,"

I can tell by his facial expression that he is so hurt by me not liking him back, but I do! I do like you back! "Matthew," Is the only word that comes out, and I feel my eyes widen.

"Matthew?" He mutters, his eyebrows raising. "What about Matthew?"

I take harsh breaths as my eyes see black dots. I want to say nothing, don't worry about Matthew, I didn't mean to say his name, it was a mistake. "Matthew threatened," Is what comes out instead. I realise my mistake as soon as I hear my own words but the room is spinning and I can't help it, I succumb to the darkness once more.

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