My Brothers Bestfriend 52

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------KASEYS P.O.V!------

I stood in the bathroom and watched my bestfriend slowly coming to realization of me being pregnant. The sobs were still coming, abd the tears DID dry up; but now they're back and I'm trying as best I can to keep them in.

I never really thought about children and whether or not I wanted them, but now, when I'm pregnant, it seems that I didn't know what I would be missing out on; the thought of not having my baby inside of me was gut-wrenching and sickening; completely absurd.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts as Stefs arms were pulling me into a giant, big, warm and comforting hug. I hugged her back with all my might. "You're the most bestest, most caring, loyal and honest friend in the world; but you're also stupid, silly and just plain dumb to think that I could ever hate you. I love you, Kasey. You're like my sister from a bastard mister; nothing is EVER going to change that. Nothing will ever come between us. Not even my godchild."

I laughed at the end of her little speech, because that's just how we are. We expected because we know, and we know because we trust, and we trust because we love... And well, how could we not love eachother? We're just perfectly perfect in every way bestfriends should be.

"I love you, Stef. And of course you're godmother!" We pulled apart and she smiled hugely as she wiped away my tears. "Im not hurt, or jealous, or angry, or anything else like that; nothing but pure happiness and readiness; ready to hog!" She joked and we laughed. That's just like Stef; already hogging my unborn child. "Oh! And Jake and I have an announcement to make later! I'm not sure when... Oh, speaking of the boys, we better fix you up and get back to the guys. Come here muffon!"


I was now looking as perfect as ever, maybe even prettier and happier then I was before I even walked into the amusement park. "Common Kay! I'll protect you!" Stef laughed and done a Superman pose, grabbing my hand and dragging me along as she outstretched her other, humming the Superman theme song. I laughed and done the same, but luck wasn't on my side because as soon as we reached my brother and Cay, I could tell Jacob was as ready as ever to strike at me.

I don't think Stef or Cay noticed it, but I did. I knew that excited glit in his eye, and he couldn't wait to get me onto whichever ride her was planning and watch me literally be sick... Little did he know that his future nephew, also godchild, would be the risk at his fun scheme. "Uh, where's Josh and Dayna?" I asked Cay quietly as we were walking to another part of the park, and Stef and Jake were also listening in. Well, it was more of an open conversation anyway... Really I wanted Cay to help me, protect me with an excuse that I know I will soon need.

"Oh, on some ride!" Jake laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Probably on the feria wheel, or one of those love ducks!" Cay agreed by nodding his head. We all laughed, but my laughter was soon gone as Jake grabbed my hand gently and pulled me in a run towards the Mad Mouse line, which to add onto my bad luck list, was short. "Common Kay!" He laughed as tears came to my eyes. I shook my head 'No' violently but that didn't stop him from continuing to drag me into the line.

Suddenly Cay had a hold of my other arm and Stef was grabbing Jakes other arm, trying to pry him off of me. Jacob rolled his eyes dramatically and said, "She only wants yous to think she's sick because she's a wuss! Let me take her on, I PROMISE I won't let her fall!" Jake joked, but stopped halfway through his half-hearted laugh as he saw Calebs angry face and Stefs scared one. I'm sure mine masked Stefs.

Jake suddenly pushed Calebs hand off mine and grabbed onto Stefs hand. "Alright then, we'll all go." Jake said as we moved up into the line some more. By my calculations, we were next. I think Stef realized too because she jumped in front of me protectively as my hands went to my stomach, protecting my womb. Jake eyed me suspiciously but let it go. I'm sure I saw his eyes flicker to my stomach for a second then... But then his eyes were back at mine and he was tugging at my arm again. I felt wetness come to my eyes for what seemed like the billionth time already today.

------JAKES P.O.V!-----

I don't want to believe it but I know I'm right. Why else would Stef jump in front of Kasey as Kaseys hands move up to her stomach as if to protect it. I'm not a dickhead, but I'll continue to 'make' Kasey go on the ride until she admits it, and then that way I can at least get in one blow.

"Common, our shot!" I said as I pushed Kasey in front of me, away from the others. I was about to push her into the little car thing when Calebs hand swung me back around. "Trust me, you don't want to push her into getting on!" Caleb growled at me angrily as Stef nodded her head fast in agreement; I could see the gentleness of it though, and I could tell she was scared. "Guys, are you getting on the ride, or?" The ride operator trailed off. I just shrugged my shoulders at Caleb and Stef, about to step into the car before Kay; but thankfully she pulled me back. My bait is working...

"I-I can't get on!" She told me seriously but in a shaky voice. "Why?" I asked her seriously, looking into her eyes intently. My own blue eyes stared back at me, the only difference? Mine were furious as hers were scared and afraid. "Because I'm pregnant." She told me quietly, though firmly. "There's the excuse I've been looking for." I told her with a small smile before turning around and bringing my fist back with as much pressure as I could muster and pushing forwards towards Calebs nose with as much strength as possible. I heard a crunch and a few gasps before I turned around and walked away. Assholes.

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