My Brothers Bestfriend 22

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Their footsteps edge nearer and I begin to feel sick in my stomach.

Jacob is my only brother, the only family I basically have, what will happen to me if he does something to land himself in jail? What will happen to him?

I take a deep breath, my body shaking slightly as I release it. Caleb squeezes one of my hands gently before I feel his lips pressing a soft quick kiss on my own. I turn and look at him in surprise, struggling to believe how reckless he'd just been.

He smirks at me, lifting one of his shoulders in a shrug. I sigh and close my eyes, but I'm grateful for his presence and comfort.

There's movement in the doorway and I snap my head up quickly, suddenly not all that afraid of my brother as the need to see him envelopes me.

Stef walks in and I feel slightly disappointed. She smiles softly, reassuringly, and then motions Caleb and the two other boys to follow her.

Caleb kisses my hand gently, staring into my eyes for a quick moment before standing up. He looks down at me and I know he wants to say something, but they're all still in the room. I nod at him and he ruffles my hair. "See you soon, baby,"

I don't even have it in me to blush, even though I feel Stefanie's eyes on me. I watch them all walk out and leave me, thinking of what Caleb told me earlier. Was he being honest? And if he was, how long has he had these feelings for? Two years?

I snap out of my thoughts when I realise Jacob is in the doorway, leaning against the frame. He's staring at me intently: mad, angry and concerned. I try to blink back my tears but I can't, and a sob escapes me.

His face contorts into pain and I can no longer suppress the built up tears behind my eyelids. I don't want him to be angry or pained for me, I don't want him to have to deal with my shitty problems.

"Hey," He says quickly, and I close my eyes so I don't have to look at him anymore. And then suddenly he's beside me, hugging me to his body. When my crying doesn't stop, he pulls me onto his lap and holds me too tightly. "Kasey stop this, please,"

He rocks us slights, his grip on me still deathly tight. I focus on the smell of his cologne, trying to calm myself down.

"I'm so sorry," He whispers repeatedly. He's angry with himself, I can see that now. "I should have looked out for you better, I'm so sorry,"

"It wasn't your fault," I whisper shakily, my voice thick with emotion. "Please don't do this, Jacob, none of this is your fault. If anything it's my fault,"

"No," I feel him shaking his head vigorously and his breathing changes. "It's nobody's fault but his,"

We both become silent, my tears and nerves both subsided as I finally realise Jacob isn't going to put a bullet through Matthew's head. Or anybody else's for that matter.

"I love you, Jacob. Always have, always will," I mumble against his chest.

"I love you too," He whispers back, trying to hide his anger; whether from me or himself, I'm not sure. "Beyond forever,"

I grin slightly, squeezing him tightly. He kisses the top of my head a few times and my eyes begin to flutter. Our position moves slightly as he reaches over and grabs a blanket from beside the couch.

"Get some sleep, Kasey," He commands before spreading the blanket over the both of us. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, I promise,"

Jacob's POV

I stare at my sister as she begins to doze off, the innocence that emanates from her fuels my anger further about everything that she's been going through.

I feel so guilty, because she's so young and so undeserving of what she's had to put up with. Matthew is nothing short of a psychopath, and I know that he's the root of most of her anxieties, but I also sense that she's been so nervous to share everything with me.

But seriously, who the fuck even considers doing what Matthew has done? Especially to my little sister. He's made a big mistake. Don't take me for being conceited, but everybody at school knows that nobody there stands a chance against me, whether it be a verbal or a physical fight. And they should all definitely know by now not to mess with my little sister.

I know sometimes my actions scare people but I have a hard time controlling my emotions. I'll settle for comforting Kasey for now, because Stefanie is probably right in thinking that my sister can't possibly deal with much else stressing her out at the moment. But as soon as I get the chance, Matthew is fucked. And Tyler isn't off the hook, either.

I sink lower into the couch, trying not to wake Kasey as I get comfortable. Caleb will see the guys out. My mind wanders to Stefanie. I kissed her. Man, I actually kissed her. I want to kiss her again.

I realise I'm thinking of a girl while I'm holding my sister, and I bite my lip uncomfortably, forcing myself to stop thinking about the kiss.

I really like Stefanie. I don't know when exactly my heart became hers but man has it been difficult; she's consuming nearly my every thought: I can't think of other girls, I can't sleep with other girls, and the only time I can get it up is when I'm thinking of her.

And it's not just sexually. I find myself wondering where she is, what she's doing, who she's talking to and what boys she's around and how she's doing in her classes and what she's reading in her literature class and so many other pointless, wandering thoughts.

And I've been too nervous to spark up a conversation with her that goes beyond our everyday quick exchanges. But since the moment we kissed, I know that everything has changed now. I know that things will be different now. They have to be. I'll make them be. Because man do I want that girl in every single way.

At some point my thoughts drift into dreams as I fall into a deep sleep.

I'm with Kasey and we're playing on the swing set in the park around the corner from my house. I'm eight years old, and she's a year younger than me, adorable in her pigtails and frilly socks. This isn't a dream, it's a memory.

I'm sleeping but I know subconsciously that I'm dreaming. I watch us swinging and laughing and competing with each other to see who can go higher.

I can remember that day well, it was the day that Kasey turned seven. That morning mom had told Kasey and I that her and dad would be leaving twenty minutes later to catch a plane to England. They were to be gone for a week, and neither her nor dad mentioned Kasey's birthday.

It was that day, at eight years old, that I truly realised our mom and dad did not love us like normal parents usually love their children.

I went to my little money box as soon as they left, refusing to touch their money that dad left for us on the counter, instead taking my hard saved eighteen dollars and using it to take Kasey and I to see a movie. We went for ice cream before we raced each other to the park.

Since that day, Kasey and I have stuck together. Through thick and thin, she is there for me and she knows I am always going to be there for her. We rely on no family but each other, and that's the way it will always be. She will forever be my number one girl, the most important person in the world to me.

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