My Brothers Bestfriend 32

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I awaken to the feeling of Caleb running his hands through my hair, and when I open my eyes I'm facing his bare chest. I blush and quickly look away, up at his face.

He grins down at me, exposing his dimples and I smile shyly back up at him. I lean up and meet my lips with his, pecking him gently.

"Hello sleeping beauty," He chuckles.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask curiously. I stretch my whole body and parts of me crack as a yawn racks through me.

"I'm not entirely sure," He muses. "Only a few hours, give or take,"

"Only?" I cringe. My face screws up with worry when I think of my brother. "Where's Jacob?"

"Don't stress, love, he's still not back yet," He smiles down at me, bringing his hand up to my face and caressing my cheek.

I sigh and relax into him, running my fingers over his chest. "When did you wake up?"

"I didn't go to sleep," He admits.

"Really?" I cringe. Shit! I feel bad! I basically fell asleep on him! "Oh God! I'm sorry! Two hours?"

"I said 'give or take'," He points out as a lazy smirk falls on his face. "It's fine, Kasey. I don't mind watching you sleep. I was entertained by both your hair and your sleep talking,"

"Sleep talking?" I shriek. "Oh my God, what did I say?" I ask desperately, worried about what I could have let slip. "Actually, you know what? Don't tell me!"

"Well you were hardly talking," Caleb continues with a smirk and I close my eyes tightly, embarrassed because it's a long list of possibilities. He nudges the side of me and chuckles. "You were moaning my name,"

"Oh my God," I mutter and turn my body so that I'm facing away from him. "Okay, stop," I beg. "I don't need to hear anything else,"

"Aw, Kasey, come on," He whines playfully. "I want to know how long you've been dreaming of me. I've never witnessed you having a wet dream..."

"Did you use to listen at my door?" I mutter petulantly to try and divert the conversation away from me. "Creep,"

"Shut up," He chuckles. "Thin walls, baby," He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back into him. "Tell me," He whispers sensually into my ear.

"It wasn't a dream, Caleb," I huff. "It was more like... Like a memory,"

"Ah," He grins. "I see. And that's the first time you've ever dreamt of me?" He pries. "Sexually?"

I blush terribly and keep my lips firmly sealed.

"Wow!" Caleb laughs whole-heartedly. "You're so embarrassed! It's normal, baby. I've had more wet dreams for you than you could ever imagine,"

"Stop," I whine, mortified by this conversation. However, a feeling of slight pride sweeps over me.

He's dreamt about me.

"Most of them would start with you biting your lip," He whispers lowly, his lips placing a soft kiss on my lower neck. I shiver and he smiles against my skin before laughing dryly. "And a lot of them shifted to nightmares where Jacob would walk in on us,"

"Oh my God," I snort and shove him away from me playfully. "What a mood-killer that was,"

"Yeah, well," Cal shrugs. "That's what I thought too. I'd wake up shitty with him and your poor brother could never work out what he'd done wrong,"

I laugh and unravel myself from Caleb's death grip. "Poor Jacob," I shake my head as I get out the bed before slowly stretching my muscles and joints. My body cracks a few times and I sigh sleepily.

"Kasey you will be the death of me," Caleb growls lowly as he throws his shirt at me. "At least put that on,"

I look down at my body and only just now realise that I'm still naked. I grin at him sheepishly and try to bend inconspicuously without showing off too much of my bits.

"Jesus," Caleb whistles as his eyes trail down my exposed body. "Your legs..."

I quickly shove the shirt over my head and pull it down as far as it will go. I turn away from my boyfriend, embarrassed, yet suddenly turned on.

Caleb's POV

I watch Kasey as she raises her arms high above her head, finishing her stretching. Despite my shirt now covering some of her body, my eyes still travel down her figure. I crane my neck to the left slightly to get a better look before grinning to myself.

She's fucking hot. And she's all mine.

My attention is diverted when Kasey falls back on the bed with her laptop in hand and a small smile on her face. I stare at her lips, unable to look away from them; plump and pink.

Ready and waiting to be kissed.

As I watch Kasey start up her computer my mind wanders.

If, or when, Jacob finds out about Kasey and I, he's going to lose his absolute shit. And if he found out about me taking her virginity... Holy shit I'm a dead man.

I glance up at Kasey surreptitiously. Her eyebrows are furrowed as she concentrates on the screen before her, her eyes narrowed and her breaths slow and light. Her collarbones are visible, her cheekbones defined and her head leaning slightly to the right.

She's beautiful. She's breathtaking.

And I know any wrath that Jacob holds is worth facing for her. Any anger, snide remark or angry fist is worth being able to call her my girlfriend.

I'm completely besotted with her.

Kasey's POV

I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. Stefanie has inboxed me, and it's long.

Weird. She usually texts me.

I read her message quickly, anxious to see what she's written.

'Kasey I really need to tell you something... I just don't know how to. I was going to ring you, but I decided that I couldn't tell you over the phone. I need to tell you in person, face to face. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to bring it up... I'll explain everything at school tomorrow. I love you babe, rest well.'

"That's so weird," I mutter to myself. Caleb glances at me, one eyebrow cocked with interest. I turn my laptop to face him and nod at the message from Stef. I watch him as he reads it. "What do you think?"

"It's... Odd," He says slowly. "But I think I know what it's about," He admits, shrugging his right shoulder. I raise my eyebrows at him, waiting for him to elaborate.

"Well?" I prompt when he doesn't continue.

"I don't want to say," He shrugs innocently. "I mean, I could be wrong. And even if I'm not, I think it'll be best to let her tell you,"

I frown, but I nod too. The curiosity is already killing me, but I understand his reasoning. It would be rude of him to tell me, if his hunch is correct.

I focus on my computer again and my frown deepens when I realise I have eighty six notifications. How did I not notice that straight away? I raise my left eyebrow when it jumps to eighty seven right before my eyes, right before I even have a chance to click on the button.

I click the link and all of the notifications are the same, but from different people. 'Brody Ferns has commented on a photo that you were tagged in', 'Kane Wrights has commented on a photo that you were tagged in'.

A funny feeling washes over me as I make a mental note in my head that all of the commenters are boys.

I shrug it off, assuming that I've been tagged by a school friend in one of those stupid pictures. 'Tag the prettiest girl', 'tag the best dancer', 'tag two people who should date', 'tag the smartest kid in class', or whatever.

But when I click on the link I realise that I'm very mistaken. My stomach lurches again as tears form in my eyes. Beside me, Caleb releases a noise similar to an animalistic growl and his first slams down in rage.

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