My Brothers Bestfriend 18

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I can hardly believe it; it's a Tuesday afternoon and I'm sitting at home with my bloody brother and his best friend, when I should be at school. I've been trying so damn hard, and I've actually managed to pull my ass out of bed every morning to go to school. Until now! And now I'll never receive the end of year award for perfect attendance.

I squirm in my seat, sighing for the fifth time. It's only two o'clock and the boys are still playing their bloody Xbox! It's not very entertaining, and I know they only offered me a turn because they know I can't play the damn thing.

I'm trying to be patient while I wait for Stefanie's return. She told me she'd be here around three, and since she texted me it just seems as though time has gone so slow.

I can't wait for her to come home, I've missed her heaps. And I have so much to tell her. I hate being separated from her, it nearly kills me. I'm not close to mom whatsoever - I don't even see her often enough to build any kind of relationship with her - and I don't have any female cousins or aunties nearby. Stefanie is literally my closest female companion, she means the world to me.

Caleb's POV

Kasey remains silent as she watches Jacob and I play our video game, but I can tell that her anticipation for Stefanie's arrival home is high. If you look long enough to notice you realise that her left leg is bouncing up and down, her eyes keep moving to the door and she's biting her lip.

I want to bite her lip. I shake my head to clear my wayward thoughts.

She's not the only one who's excited for the girl's return.

I look sideways at Jacob and nearly snort in laughter. His eyebrows are furrowed in concentration, but not for the game he's currently losing; his eyes are far away in thought.

I'm not an idiot; I know that Jake has some kind of a thing for Stefanie. Does he honestly believe I don't notice the way his eyes brighten every time he sees her? Or how he's suddenly listening whenever her name is mentioned? Because I do, I notice.

I'm surprised Kasey hasn't picked up on it yet. I'm not sure how well she would take her brother liking her best friend, but then again, I know that Jacob won't take well to Kasey and I liking each other, let alone what we've been doing lately.

I'm shocked that Jacob hasn't said anything to either of us, because earlier I seriously thought he knew.

After I had just kissed Kasey in the kitchen, I literally walked straight into Jacob in the hallway. He looked as though he had seen a ghost, and I felt Kasey go rigid behind me. But then Jacob grinned and challenged me to a game on the console and he was completely normal.

I'd shrugged it off and blamed it on his hangover, because surely if he knew or seen something, he would say something.

Jacob's booming laugh pulls me from my thoughts only to see he's completely kicking my ass. "Get your head in the game!"

I shake my head, smirking. "Your ass will be mine, Henderson,"

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