Chapter 1.

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It was 9am, Monday morning and I was woken to the sound of my phone ringing. I was half tempted to just leave it to ring, but something was telling me this call was important. 

'Hello?' I answered. 'Meryl! Hey, are you okay?' She sounded concerned for some reason. 'Yeah, I'm fine, why?' I was confused. 'It's just it took you a lot longer than usual to answer the phone, and you don't sound yourself' 

'Phyllida, I'm fine.. I've just got a head cold, and was having a lie in' I said, I didn't really understand why I was explaining myself to her but I just felt the need to. 'Oh god! I'm sorry, I can let you go and get back to sleep?' 

'No, No, I'm awake now. What's up?' I was now sat up in my bed, wanting to know what exactly she was calling at this time. 'Ok. I've had an idea and I'm ringing around all the Mamma Mia cast to organise a reunion, back in Greece.. But, you're the first person I've called.. I figured I better call one of the main main characters first to see if you think it's a good idea' She started to laugh nervously and I stayed quiet processing what she just said. 

'Oh god, you think its a bad idea don't you?' She took my silence as I hated the idea and that I didn't want it to happen. 'No, NO! I think it's a great idea, I was just thinking about it, that's all!' I could hear the sigh of relief she let out as I replied. 'When are you thinking?' I was getting excited at the thought of seeing the whole cast back together again.  'Thursday?' She said sounding hopeful. 'I'm in!' I replied, sounding excited. 'Even if I'm still ill, I'll be at that airport!' 

I got up out of bed and began to get dressed, even though I still felt so so ill, I had a smile on my face and I was feeling ok, for the first time in ages. 'Ah! She not dead!' Don exclaimed as I came bouncing down the stairs. 'What do you mean by that?' I replied and laughed at his remark. 'Well, last night you looked gravely ill.. I was slightly worried.. but you seemed okay so I left you to sleep.. and now look! you must have just slept it off!' He laughed, and I smiled back at him, walking over and kissing him... 'Well, good morning my love' He smiled and kissed me back. 'Good Morning to you too, my love' 

I sat down and he brought me breakfast over to the table. 'Why, thank you!' I flashed him a huge smile 'No problem beautiful!' I loved how he always called me beautiful, his vow to me on our wedding day 'I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, you're beautiful and I promise to remind you of that until death do us part' I still makes me cry even now. I loved him so so much and  I could tell he felt the same way about me. 

I got half way through my breakfast and I remembered my earlier conversation with Phyllida, about the reunion. 'Oh, Don?' I started, I didn't quite know, just yet, how I was going to tell him, I mean he didn't like me going away for work but he put up with it because he knew that it was my passion and I loved acting... he always said he wanted me to follow my dreams. 'Yeah?' he replied, starting on Mamie's breakfast. I loved when she came over to stay. 'Phyllida called me earlier, she's planning a Mamma Mia cast reunion, back in Skopelos' 

'Oh! that sounds nice! When is she sorting it for?' The dreaded question, He asked me that dreaded question! I didn't know how he was going to react... 'Thursday...' I replied. 'She wanted to sort it for as soon as possible, so that the media didn't get chance to hear about it.. I think she just wants it to be a nice experience for us, and for us to reminisce about everything without having to worry a whole lot about the paps' He didn't say anything for a while, so I looked over at him.. 'Don?' I called his name and he looked over at me.. 'Don, if you don't want me going, just say and I can call Phyllida and....'  

'Meryl, Meryl honey... Go for it... I'm too fond about anything that means you need to leave.. but,  you should go... Go and see everyone..' He smiled at me and I smiled back 'Okay, only if you're sure' I walked over and kissed him, he kissed me back 'Yes beautiful. I'm sure' 

Mamie walked down the stairs as I kissed him again... 'Oh! you two are loved up again... whats the occasion... is Henry's girlfriend having another baby or something?' She laughed 


'....Is Henry's girlfriend having another baby or something?' I loved the way that she laughed and smiled just the same as Meryl did... 'No, No' I laughed... 'I'm just being a loving husband and father..' I laughed at the expression on her face.. 'What? Dad, What's wrong with you and Mom? You're both acting so weird. You two are never like this!' even tho she was 33 years of age, she still got creeped out when me and her Mom were 'Totally Happy' as she would say. 

'So, come on.. Why are you two so happy?' She said, giggling with Meryl.. 'Well, your mother is going back to Skopelos for a Mamma Mia cast reunion, but, there was something else I was going to ask her too.. and I wanted you to be here to witness it...' I got a little nervous, as I got the promise ring out my pocket. I got down on one knee... 'Mary Louise Streep, I know we're already married but, I want to renew my promises to you, I want to be able to promise to love and care for you for ever and ever all over again.. so.. what do you say?' I looked up at her and Mamie and they were both in awe.. Meryl had her hands over her mouth and she looked as if she was about to cry.... 'Yes! Yes! Of course, let's do it!' 

'Oh My God! Dad! You can pick your moments! Come here! Both of you! I want to hug you!' She looked as if she was going to cry also. 'I love you!' She said as she squeezed us both tight! 'I love you both so so much and I don't want you to ever think that I don't! I don't want you to ever EVER forget that!' She was getting so sentimental, we didn't really get to see this side to her much, but it was nice when we did. 'We love you too, Mamie' 

'Right, I better go, I have to run a few errands before all the stores close, i'll be back soon!' She said as she was going out the door... 'Don't go out anywhere before I get back because.. well, just don't.. it's a surprise' She smiled mischievously as she disappeared out the door. 

'Well... I'm going to sort and pack my case I guess.. I leave for Greece on Thursday. You know how I hate to not be prepared' She laughed 'Yeah, yeah. I know. Go on my love, ill come and help if you like' She started to head up the stairs and I patted her on her butt... she may be 67, but hey, what can I say! Im a sucker for my woman! You could even say... I'm a Streeper! 

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