Chapter 7

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I want to thank you all for reading my story, I never thought anyone would really be interested in it. I am having a blast writing and hope you will stick around, until I finish this. X


With one arm around Vicky's arm and my fingers around my diploma, I strut across the stage, down to to the seats. Vicky has just given one of the best graduation speeches, which she has been working on for many weeks now.

"Can you believe we finally made it?" She expresses.

"No I already pinched myself twice and I didn't feel anything."

"I can do that for you."

"Don't you dare." She laughs.

Four years of my life, consisted of intense work and effort. Although it wasn't always easy, I managed to get what I have been trying to achieve for so long, which is what I am the proudest of.

We walk towards the chairs, to get congratulated by other students, when suddenly I spot my smiling parents awaiting for me.

"Maman, papa!" I pull them in my arms and press them firmly against me.

"Oh Lola, look at where you are now. We're so proud of you." My mother has teary eyes as she observes me. "Come here." She hugs me again.

"Congratulations my child."

"Thank you maman. For a moment, I thought you wouldn't come." Tears are welling in my eyes. My dad takes a picture of both of us, which leaves me a little irritated. I'm not really photogenic, and me being on the verge of tears doesn't really favor me at all.

"Now a picture of you and your Diploma. Lola smile a little more." He holds the camera up and snaps a photo while I awkwardly try to pose casually. "My little big girl, congratulations." He beams.

"Thank you." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you know what you're going to do next?"

"First, Vicky and I are going to move to Paris."

"You've been talking about this for a year now. When are you going to do so?"

"Three weeks ago we actually found a small house near the city and big enough for us two. We will move the day after tomorrow." We walk to one of the buffets and grab a few finger foods.

"Congratulations." A dark voice tones behind me. I abruptly turn around, finding Adrien in front of me, wearing a well fitting dark blue suit. He looks so damn sexy.

"Adrien." I breathe and debate whether to hug him or just do nothing. I'm frozen.

"You startled me with your text message, do you know that?" I let out a nervous giggle. Adrien wraps his arm around my waist and my stomach instantly starts to tingle.

"I didn't expect you to come here." He presses his lips together, as he sees my parents approaching us.

"Oh, maman, papa, this is Adrien..."

"Her boyfriend." Adrien cuts me off and greets both of them with two kisses on the cheek. Say what?! Boyfriend?! Did I skip a part in the contract?

"Boyfriend? Lola, you never told us you were in a relationship." My father acknowledges in a very confused manner.

"We um... we tried to keep it a secret first. I wanted to tell you on this special day." I lie and eye Adrien.

"Well, this is very great news. Pleasure to meet you Adrien."

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