Chapter 13

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"When was the last time you were on your period?"

"Almost four weeks ago." I respond to the gynecologist.

"Are you sexually active?" I look down at my hands and nod. "You don't have to be shy about that. It's only between you and me." She assures. "Are you on birth control?"

"No. We protect with condoms." But Adrien has talked to me about birth control, he assured me, that it would be a better feeling having sex without any latex between us. As I read on the contract, I also have to test myself for STDs, just to make sure, that everything is alright. Adrien trusts me and I trust him, but I also want it on paper, just to get any concerns out of the way. Besides, he always places importance, in testing himself every once in a while, due to changes of his sexual partners. Just by the thought of him switching his partners makes me feel lousy.

"Everything is alright, you have a healthy uterus and vagina." I have to suppress a smirk at how bluntly she just says it. "I will only have to take a blood sample, for the HIV test." I approve and roll up my sleeve. I close my eyes as she disinfects the crook of my arm. The cold feeling almost makes me jump, but as the needle gets insert into my vein, I feel how my body tenses. My blood drips swiftly into the tube and in a matter of seconds it's already full.

"Okay, now we got this part over."

"Finally." I exhale while she sticks a patch around it. "I thought about switching to birth control, I don't have any experience with it though."

"Don't worry, it's not complex in any kind of form. I will give you a combined pill, with two hormones. It has twenty eight pills. You just take them twenty eight days straight. No breaks. At the twenty ninth you will start with a new pack."

"Is there a specific time I have to take them?"

"No, just make sure you take them daily. You could take them on a specific time, so you will have the habit of remembering when to take them." I nod. "When you forget to take a pill, contact me alright? Also when you experience any side effects."

"I will. When can I have sex without condoms?"

"Seven days after you take them." Seven days and then I can experience the feeling of Adrien inside of me, without any latex around him. Sounds about right, but the longer I think about it, the earlier I want it. "Are there any more questions, that concern you?"

"When will I get the results?"

"No later than a week."


"Contact me whenever you have something concerning these topics on your mind."

"I will, thank you so much Dr. Perrin."

"Anytime sweetheart."

I shake her hand and walk out of the office with her. Adrien accompanies her to the elevator, exchanging a few words with her.

"Wasn't that bad was it?"

"No, I wish I've met her earlier." I take the birth control pack out of my pocket. "I got these. I will take them from now on."

"Do you know when we can ditch the condoms?" I narrow my eyes.

"Dr. Perrin told me, no sex until I finish all up." Adrien's eyes widen.


"I'm just kidding." I laugh and he picks me up, throwing me on the couch.

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