Chapter 34

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I lean my head against the brick wall and smile to myself thinking back at how good I felt half an hour ago. Adrien was very gentle with me and even though the hard mahogany desk was uncomfortable, the moment was beautiful. I don't know what it means, but I have a good feeling about our relationship. Maybe things are going to work out, because he finally allowed himself to be vulnerable around me.

I get thrown out of my thoughts, as the door opens. My friend looks at me.

"What are you doing here I thought you'd come back next week? I saw you acting weird from the window."

"I wasn't feeling well, so my boss gave me a day off and I wanted to see you."

"Oh, you don't look like you're not feeling well." She raises her brows.

"I'll tell you why."

We sit on the couch as I tell her about what happened in the office. I tell her about Adrien buying the company too, her reaction is almost the same as mine. She's still visibly shaken by everything that has happened.

"Which means you're getting a promotion."

"I don't know if I can do that. Especially knowing that Adrien is my boss' boss' boss. Also I don't deserve this."

"Lola shut up, of course you do."

"I've been working there for barely three months, I really don't."

"Hey, it's an opportunity not everyone gets, so if you get it take it." Once again she could be in the right. "Your boyfriend as your boss' boss' boss," she cackles, "Is that even legal?" Her smile fades when she realizes that I haven't laughed at her words. "Sorry. Did I say something out of pocket?"

"No, it's just..." Should I tell her the truth about the relationship I have with Adrien? I signed a contract, I can't.

"We never dated." I admit.

"What do you mean? You said he was your boyfriend-"

"Yes I did, but that was because I was ashamed to admit, that we were only having sex. That's it. We are just friends with benefits, he was never my boyfriend." I add the last part with an audible upset tone.

"Wait so he was your... sugar daddy?" I shake my head quickly.

"No Vicky, we were just friends with benefits, that's it."

"There's nothing wrong with that Lola, I've been there too, I mean the friends with benefit stuff." Because she is used to it. I on the other hand can't imagine putting myself further through a relationship like that.

"I always said I was gonna wait for the right one, now look at me."

"You don't think he is the right one?" I shrug. "Just because you said so, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Sometimes we say one thing, but do another. You changed over the past three months, it's okay."

"But I have a feeling that he loves me. I know I can be very delusional, but I know that I'm not deluding myself this time."

"Yes you can be pretty delusional. You shouldn't force him into something he doesn't want to, maybe he likes you more than just a friend, maybe he doesn't. I don't know what kind of man Adrien is, I've judged him pretty fast." She recalls to the moments she accused him of abusing me.

"He's cold. Acts like he doesn't care about anything, but whenever he's with me, he tells me that he cares about me. I don't know anymore to be honest. Everything's so confusing." Vicky rests her arm around my shoulders. I just sit there in silence and think about Adrien and us and our future, if there even is one.

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