Chapter 12

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Sia - Eye Of A Needle


Adrien looks at me for quite some time after he parks the car in his garage, until he talks to me. He draws circles on the back of my hand with his thumb, bringing relaxation in my body.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I am. But..." I hesitantly go on, "How are you?" He looks kind of startled by my question.

"I'm okay."

"I heard you and Georgette. Not everything, but enough to know, that you were arguing about something." Adrien leans his head back and closes his eyes, his Adam's apple coming in full view. "What was it about?" I want to know.


"Don't tell me it's nothing when there is something going on. Adrien, no secrets."

"Why not?"

"I want you to be honest with me, in order for me to trust you." He is silent for a moment, but parts his lips to answer.

"Georgette wants to be my sub." His words almost knock the breath out of me. Georgette wants to be his sub? I never expected her to be this kind of woman. Adrien notices my startle, going further with his enlightenment. "She has been begging me for quite some time, but I always reject her, now she's mad at me for bringing you home."

"But... why, why isn't she your sub? You basically have a woman willing to submit to you, why don't you let her be your sub?" My insecurity isn't unnoticed, as he comfortingly tucks my hair behind my ear.

"First of all Lola, I choose my subs, not they come to me. Secondly, she's not my type, at all. I'm into brunettes." I exhale the breath, that I unnoticeably held. "And Georgette is... way too dominant and aggressive for me. It's not that I can't handle her, it just turns me off." I can't say that this isn't true.

"She is."

"How do you know?" I press my lips together. "Tell me Lola."

"It's not that important." I turn my head away, but he grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. He locks his resistent gaze with mine. "No secrets." He reminds me in a low voice. I play with the hem of my dress, as some sort of comfort.

"I- she..." it's hard for me to find a beginning. "We had an argument."

"About what?"

"About you. She insulted me and told me, that we're only using each other. That I'm naïve and you will dump me anytime soon-"

"Hey, calm down okay?" He cuts me off as I slowly begin to panic. "She doesn't know what I want."

"Is it true that I'm naïve? Why are you even after me?"

"You're not naïve at all. And the reason I'm after you is, because you're sexy, intelligent, beautiful." He kisses my hand. "You challenge me." He almost whispers the last words. My heart skips a beat, my hands tightening around his. He leans in and brushes his nose against mine, before our lips touch. Every worry and doubt I had about myself, disappears at this moment, while his lips move gently and slowly against mine. There is no Georgette, who can make me doubt what I have to offer Adrien, I know, that I can give him enough. I moan against his lips, as those thoughts circulate in my head.

Adrien breaks the kiss, looking me deep in the eyes.

"Let's go inside." I nod my head and get out the car, taking his hand.


After we had sex, we lie in bed for about half an hour. I tell him a few stories about my childhood, about me and my obsession with building doll houses with popsicle sticks.

"Adrien, tell me about your childhood." He is silent for a few seconds.

"Mine was pretty boring compared to yours."


"The only thing I was interested in, was how to get up a tall tree we used to have in our garden."

"And? Did you manage to get up?"

"No. They cut that tree down. My childhood dream was crushed from that moment on."

"That's sad. We should climb a tree sometime." He looks at me in disbelief. "I'm serious." I laugh.

"I don't know if I can do that."

"I do." I nudge my nose in his neck, and kiss it.

"Stop it Lola." He looks at me. I confusingly withdraw.

"What?" I whisper.

"Being this way." I irritatingly look at him. "You confuse me."

"You confuse me." I say with a slight smile. He gets up, my eyes instantly falling on his bare behind. Honestly it's so beautifully shaped, I just want to kiss it.

He turns around and holds his hand out. I take it and get pulled up, my bare breasts pressed against his torso. I sling my arms around him and rest my head on his chest, which he kisses.

"Wanna take a bath?" I look up at him and approve with a smile. He pushes me towards the bathroom, touching my butt with the tips of his fingers.

Adrien turns the water on and let's it run. The thought of me getting inside that tub with him, is exciting and wakes lust in me again.

A few minutes, after the bath tub is filled with lukewarm water, I get inside first. He sits behind me, so that I can comfortably rest against him. I close my eyes, as he begins caressing me with a sponge, wringing out the water and letting it drib on my chest. I turn my head to let him kiss me. I let my lips linger on his for a beautifully short moment, before I lean my head back again.

"You know, I'm nervous about not getting accepted in any publishing company." I admit to him.

"Why wouldn't they accept you?"

"I don't know, maybe I'm just not what they are looking for." I say. I have done an internship at a publishing company in Rouen, and they liked me. But this is Paris.

"They're gonna to miss out, if they don't accept you. Besides, I could hire you." I shortly turn around to frowningly gaze at him. A crooked smile forms on his face, making me wonder if he is serious or just pulled a joke.

"Ha ha." I expire.

"I'm serious."

"Well I don't think I'm going to fit in your company. But thank you."

"What if I already hired you?" Now I completely turn around with a wide eyed gaze. "I'm just kidding." In reaction, I splash water on his chest, his eyebrows instantly furrowing.

"Did you just splash me Mademoiselle?" I bite my lip and shrug playfully. Suddenly I feel two hands grabbing my thigh under water, pulling me closer to him. I let out a squeal and a giggle at the same time. Without hesitation, I crash my lips into his and enjoy every beautiful feeling this is giving me.

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