Chapter 20

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My phone vibrates inside of my leather purse as the car stops in front of a red traffic light. I take a look at the display before I pick up. It's Vicky calling me.


"Lola it's nice hearing your voice again, are you alright?"

"Yes I am." I respond. Colette looks at me before the light turns green.

"I was planning on getting my hair done today and I need some advice. Come with me." She tells on the other end.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Colette hits the gas pedal and I get pushed down in my seat. "Are you in a car?"


"With whom?"

"A friend. Colette." I say even though she has no idea who she is.

"Colette? Who is that?"

"Adrien's sister." It's quiet for a brief moment.

"Oh. Sucks that you can't spend time with me." Her voice has a layer of annoyance, I'm not sure how her mood is right now, but I can imagine that she is a bit annoyed by the fact that we spend less time together. She should have seen it coming as soon as I started seeing Adrien, we already discussed this.

"I'll call you later."

"Whatever, have fun with your new friend."


"I'll go get my hair done, see you later... maybe." With that she hangs up, Colette already eyeing me with intuition.

"She's upset." She states.

"She's right. I feel like a bad friend."

"You aren't. Would you rather go with her?" Her question lingers in the air, before I answer.

"N-no. I mean, I would love to go with her, but I'm already spending time with you. Don't worry."

Colette pulls up in front of a big bridal store which is in the middle of the busy city. I could have sworn I passed this store with Adrien before, but I was too caught up in our "date" that I didn't really pay attention. We receive a few greetings from other bridesmaids inside.

"This is my brother's girlfriend the one I told you about."

"Lola?" I nod as one of the girls says my name.

"Wow how is it dating Adrien? No one had that privilege before." Another girl questions.

"She has been trying a couple of times but no luck." I redden in the middle of this awkward mess. How do I even respond to this question? Is this a rhetorical question?

"Anyways girls let's look for the dresses." Colette changes the subject as she seems to get uncomfortable too.

I sit down pushing the silver balls inside me further up. I can feel my muscles tightening as they begin weighting down. This is pure torture that will keep me from getting comfortable.

"Georgette!" I hear, automatically turning to where the girls are looking at. My eyes stop at a tall and lean woman behind me.

"Hello ladies. Sorry for being late I had a few things to do. Hello Lola." I can't manage to get a word out. I don't even know if I would insult her or greet her, my mind is in full defense mode already. "You don't mind if I sit here next to you?"


"Of course not." I reply with animosity. Georgette smiles and puts her purse between us before she takes a seat.

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