Chapter 26

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Sia- Eye Of The Needle

"You're lucky, it's not fractured." The doctor says examining my x-ray. His glasses are sitting low on his long nose bridge, while he skeptically chews on his lower lip. "Your ankle is sprained, other than that your leg is okay."

"How long does it take to heal?" Adrien questions with frowned eyebrows.

"Approximately two to four weeks. Until then she will have to walk with crutches and rest her foot. If you're an active person, refrain from doing any activity. You can alleviate the pain with an ice-pack or if that doesn't help take a couple of painkillers." He explains, while a nurse puts a brace around my foot. "Any more questions?"

"I'm alright." I say, the brace almost weighs me down and it's hot and itchy underneath, there is no way I can keep this on for that long. I've never used crutches before, I hate being restricted like that.

"Good. I'm surprised you even survived that fall. You know we had cases where people fractured their skull and fell into a coma-"

"Okay we got it. Thanks." Adrien grabs our backpacks and hands me my crutches. I say goodbye to the doctor before I follow Adrien outside.

He's mad. It wouldn't be Adrien if this wasn't the case, he's probably blaming himself for all this.

We pass two whispering nurses in the corridor, who almost break their necks trying to gaze at Adrien. As soon as they disappear in the next corner, I turn to the beautiful man beside me. This isn't the first time women have been noticing him while we are together, it doesn't surprise me. However I still can't get over the jealousy every time another woman has her eyes on him, and I don't know how Adrien really feels about it. After all he's a man who is obsessed with women.

"Did you see that?"


"The nurses? They were pretty."

"I didn't pay attention."

"They were looking at you." He intuits where I'm trying to go with this conversation, just like I wanted him to.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Nothing, I was just pointing it out."

"I have different things on my mind right now, like your ankle." He looks at my cast. "This is all my fault."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is. I could've prevented this." I have to laugh. If he only knew how clumsy I am he wouldn't blame this on himself.

"Adrien baby, I know you're a strong man, but you're not Superman. There's nothing you could've done and that's okay. Things like that happen, I fell and that's about it. Besides, I still had lots of fun and I'm proud of you for climbing that tree." He narrows his eyes and I don't know which part of my response made him do that.

"Did you just call me baby?"


"Well, at least I feel a little better about myself now." He kisses my forehead and a tingly warm feeling builds in my stomach. Just like the first time when he kissed me, it spreads across my entire body and almost overwhelms me.

"I lo-" I fall silent.

"What?" Shit, I'm so stupid.

"I'm hungry."

"Then let's go get you something to eat."

We eat lunch at a restaurant near the hospital, and it honestly feels amazing doing that. Just going out with him, having a date with him. It shows how much I really like to be Adrien and this doesn't have anything to do with sex. It's just the two of us, talking, laughing and listening to each other. Adrien asked me to spend a couple of days at his apartment so he can spoil me even more, and I couldn't say no. The only reason I'd do is because of Vicky, I don't wanna give her the feeling that I'm neglecting her again so I call her to explain the situation to her.

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