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April 23rd at 9:21PM by Sara [175 comments]

I'd barely sat down to my desk when an IM window popped up in the upper right corner of my computer screen. I didn't recognize the screen name, but it didn't take me long to guess who it was. I took a sip of my coffee and clicked on the message box.

TizzleMeElmo: What's up, Miss Fabulous!

I looked around the room to make sure no one was within spying distance before typing back.

BoysRUs: Not much...Who's this?

I said I thought I knew who it was. No way I wasn't getting myself into a catfish situation.

TizzleMeElmo: It's me, Tizzie! Duh!

A smile crept across my face as I remembered that I'd scribbled down my info on a diner napkin for Tizzie the night before.

BoysRUs: Oh, hey! Cute screen name!

TizzleMeElmo: You too, except I think I may be more suited for the moniker. LOL.

I wasn't exactly sure if it was politically correct to laugh at her boy remark given her past, but in the end I couldn't help myself and let out a chuckle.

BoysRUs: Hahaha. True, true. So, what's up?

TizzleMeElmo: Just finished my morning meditation, but still feeling a little sluggish, so I thought I'd jump on here and talk to you for a bit. It's up to you to make sure I don't fall back asleep.

I'd heard that a lot of people in the program meditated on a daily basis (in fact, I'm pretty sure that one of the steps requires it), but I hadn't been able to psych myself up enough to sit quietly in one place for more than a few seconds. Besides the fact that I'd be alone with my thoughts (which was scary in itself), I had a feeling I would probably just end up falling asleep. And I may not know all that much about the subject, but I was pretty sure that taking a nap defeated the purpose of meditating.

BoysRUs: Why so sluggish? Go get some coffee, girl!

TizzleMeElmo: Nah, just downed 3 Red Bulls. I was up wicked late last night flexting with Blake.


Part of me was afraid to ask. I didn't want to look stupid if this was a term I should obviously know. There were so many phrases that I'd learned since coming into the program that were solely used in recovery. It was like AAers spoke their own language. At first I'd felt like I had when reading the Harry Potter books for the first time. In that situation, I had to learn what "Quidditch" and "half-bloods" were. In AA I've learned about "counting days" and "fellowshipping." I'd also realized that it was okay to ask if I didn't understand something. Chances are someone else had no clue either.

Plus, it was Tizzie, and I knew she wouldn't judge.

BoysRUs: Flexting?

TizzieMeElmo: Yeah. You know, flirting via text. Flexting.

Ah. Not an AA thing. Just a Tizzie thing.

BoysRUs: Gotcha. So, wait, you were, um, flexting...with whom?

TizzieMeElmo: That guy who was checking me out the other night. You know, the one with the brown hair, sitting all the way in the back?

I remembered Tizzie pointing out a guy at the meeting, but hadn't known it had gone beyond that. One thing was sure, Tizzie worked fast.

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