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song: young folks by the kooks
tw: swearing, small mention of weed


It was only now, of course, that Tyler realized that he had Joshua's number in his phone. What was he even supposed to text him? Should he text him now? Or should he wait until morning?

Currently, Tyler and his two friends were in a booth at their favorite diner, Delilah's. It was almost one in the morning but this was normal for the boys, craving something in the middle of the night? Delilah's. They were opened 24/7 on week days and always had fresh, really good food.

All the workers knew the group by name, including Ed who would be joining them shortly. Their favorite waitress came strolling over to the booth, Jenna Black.

Jenna was absolutely stunning. From her soft blonde locks to her striking frozen lake eyes to her pretty pink lips, everything about her was gorgeous.

 From her soft blonde locks to her striking frozen lake eyes to her pretty pink lips, everything about her was gorgeous

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Tyler and her went out for a while in freshmen year but it didn't work out. It's not awkward now either, they're close friends and when Jenna's not working or busy she sometimes tags along with the group. She slipped into the seat next to Hoodie as Jon and Tyler sat on the other side.

"Hey guys, I would ask you what you want but I'm sure you're waiting on Ed right?" She asked and the three nodded. Jenna sighed and laid her head on Hoodie's shoulder. "I'm tired and wanna go home." She pouted and rubbed her eyes.

"Poor Jenna." Jon cooed and she just nodded. Hoodie wasn't phased by the interaction, everyone in their friend group was close like this unless it was unwanted. "When's Ed getting here?" She asked and wrapped her arms around Hoodie's larger one sleepily.

"In a few minutes, better back off his man before he smacks you with his guitar." Jon said and Hoodie snorted, Jenna and Tyler giving small laughs.

"I wanna sleep though." Jenna whined and lifted off of the boy next to her. "You gotta job to do missy." Tyler said and sipped on his water. Jenna yawned and shook her head, poor girl probably hasn't slept well in forever.

"We'll take you back to my place after your shift, we can all have a sleepover." Jon said and Jenna smiled. "That means sleep and not blasting music and smoking weed right?" She asked with a quirked eyebrow. Tyler laughed and shook his head, they were so predictable.

"I'm pretty tired, long day. So no, not that." Tyler said and crossed his legs. A jingle from the bell at the door was heard. They looked up and saw Ed, the group waved to him and he walked over. Jenna got up and went over next to Tyler so Ed could sit next to Hoodie.

He did so and Hoodie immediately wrapped his arm around Ed's shoulders and pulled him close. The two did everything that a couple would do but they weren't "official" in Ed's words because Hoodie had never asked.

"Okay so are you guys getting what you usually get?" Jenna asked and wrapped her arms around Tyler. He smiled at the platonic affection and nodded. "Yeah I am." He said and the other three agreed with him.

Jenna lazily nodded and stood up. "Mkay I'll be back." She said and left to the kitchen. "Ty, Hood told me you found a boy you like?" Ed spoke up and Jon snorted, causing Tyler to hit him in the shoulder.

"I mean I guess, we only talked once but he's really pretty." Tyler said and rested his head in his hand. Ed cooed and snuggled up closer to Hoodie.

They quieted down, the only sounds being from the kitchen, the tapping of Jon's fingernails against the table and the soft whispering between Hoodie and Ed.

"I have his number." Tyler blurted out randomly. "You have Josh's number?" Hoodie asked just as Jenna was coming back with drinks. "Who's Josh?" She asked curiously and sat next to Tyler. "Tyler's little boy crush." Jon teased and ruffled Tyler's hair.

He smacked his hand and Jenna gasped, raising her hands up to her mouth. "The Tyler Joseph has a crush?!" She hugged Tyler quickly. "Oh my god! Tell me all about him!" She said and squished Tyler's cheeks, turning his head to look her in the eyes.

"Uh well-" "He's so pretty and cute and absolutely ethereal! His eyes are so prett-" Jon mocked Tyler in a higher pitched voice but was cut off by the boy smacking his hand over his mouth.

Jenna squealed and kissed Tyler's cheek. "Oh they grow up so fast." she said and wiped a fake tear from her eye. "Anyways, Tyler, I have to get back to work but when I come over later you're telling me all about him." He just nodded as he knew he couldn't get out of that because, well, it was Jenna.

She giggled and skipped off back to work. "So you have Josh's number? Why haven't you texted him?" Hoodie asked as Ed was starting to fall asleep in his arms.

"I don't know what to say." Tyler shrugged and pulled out his phone from his kangaroo pocket but before he could do anything Jon snatched it out of his hands. "Hey!" Tyler tried to grab it back but unfortunately Jon's arms were longer.

"Come on! Let me help you text him!" Jon teased and held the phone up high as Tyler continued to reach for it. "What do you know about flirting?" Tyler asked and gave up on getting his phone.

"Uhh have you met me, total Prince Charming right here." Jon confidentially said and Tyler snorted. "You haven't had a girlfriend since fourth grade, please do share how you do it Prince Charming." Tyler joked and pushed on Jon's shoulder gently.

Jon shook his head. "Come on dude! Are you scared?" He teased and Tyler glared at him playfully. "I'm scared that you're gonna mess this up for me!" He shot back. Jon sighed and shook his head, handing the phone back to Tyler.

"You have to text him eventually, Tyler." Jon said and Tyler sighed and nodded. "Tonight, I'll have Jenna's help."


"What do you mean you don't know what to say? Just say hi it's Tyler." Jenna said with confusion. "Is it really that simple?" Tyler asked and looked down at his phone. "Well, yeah. Duh. If you really want to you can throw in a nickname for him or something." Jenna shrugged and laid her head in his lap.

Currently the five teens were in Jon's bedroom. Tyler and Jon sat towards the top right side of the king sized mattress, with Jenna's head in Tyler's lap and her body facing up and her feet at the end of the bed. Hoodie and Ed were cuddled up close on the left side, since both of them were kind of small they didn't take up much room.

Tyler unlocked his phone and went into his contacts, searching for Josh's number. Soon he found the contact labeled 'josh🐝'. He smiled at the little bee emoji Joshua gave himself. Finally, he gathered up the courage to text him.

(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: hey josh it's tyler

"When do you think he's gonna text back?" Tyler asked and looked down at Jenna. "What time is it?" She asked. He checked the time before answering, "Almost four am." He answered and she snorted. "Not anytime soon."


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