At The Robot Factory

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'Mary Schmidt. Lucky girl. She's real lucky surviving Rat. He doesn't go well with outsiders. Cindy ugh... she won't shut up. No matter how many times she tried to get Old Candy's attention. She's in love with that guy. Candy on the other hand wants to marry her. Disgusting. This is why me and Chester are ONLY friends. I don't need a lover to be happy. I have my drawings and they make me happy. Yeah its true.... I kinda like Chester, BUT only as a friend. He likes someone else anyway. He also likes Cindy. So what does make me? Only a friend to him. Sadly, but its true. By the way if you forgot who I am brain. I'm Blank. Reverse Puppet also visits me when I'm upset. She knows how to not bring up a good mood. Why can't she just leave me alone? I have no idea. Welp anyway since I'm right now drawing right before the idiotic monkey and the idiotic cat comes in here. I guess I should stop thinking and look around and make sure that those 2 don't do anything too stupid in my room.' Blank looked up from her drawing and when she looked down she saw a strange black figure. Blank picked it up and studied it. It looks like Reverse Puppet, but looks more crazy and also more nightmare look to it. There was a knock on the door and Blank looked at it with an annoyed look.

Blank got up and said from the closed door "Hello?"

A voice that sounds very close to Chester's said "Yo! Blank!! Want to try to scare Mary?! She's back!!!"

Blank shook her head and said "No thx. Maybe some other day."

Chester asked while sounding concerned and worried "You alright?"

Blank nodded and said "Yup. Just really busy with my drawings."

Chester nodded and said "Alright. I'll see you later!!"

Blank faked smile and said "See ya....!" blank leaned her ear up against the door and heard Chester leaving ear sounds. Blank sighed and turned around and saw Rat sitting there. Blank jumped back in surprise and in fright.

Rat smiled and said "Don't be afraid Blank."

Blank pointed her finger at Rat and said while bouncing it up and down really fast "Don't do that ever again!!!!"

Rat got off a table that he was sitting on and walked over to Blank and said "Its almost time to get Mary. I hope your ready."

Blank looked away and said "I'm ready, but I prefer to draw at the moment."

Rat snorted and said "If you don't do at what your told then......"

Blank looked at Rat and asked "Then?"

Rat leaned closer and said "I'll destroy you and your precious drawings."

Blank's eyes went wide as Rat walked by and said while he was leaving "It was nice talking to you." Then he closed the door.

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