Trouble With A Rat

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Marionne turned a corner that Cat had instructed that he do so. Blank, Plushtrap, and N.F. followed closely behind them. Marionne thought while looking straight ahead 'I don't get it. I try to give her love and try to be a good person, but it back fires..... As usual..... I don't understand. Why do people hate me? Now.... Even Blank hates me. The woman that I want to be in love with hates me. I guess I'm one of those guys that can't be in love.' Marionne didn't see that Plushtrap lunged himself onto Marionne's back. Plushtrap treated Marionne as if he was a horse. Marionne heard N.F. and Cat laughed for a few seconds. Marionne shook his head and thought 'Stupid morons. Can't they leave me alone?' Marionne continued walking with Plushtrap on his back and pushing Cat in a wheelchair.

Blank walked up to Marionne and said "I'm so sorry Marionne. I really am. You might hate me, but I don't hate you. I'm sorry that I slapped you and yelled at you."

Marionne stopped pushing Cat and said "I accept your apology, but on one condition."

Blank had a confused face until she felt something that she never felt before. When they split. Blank looked at Marionne with a confused look as he continued walking down the hallway to get out of the robot factory. Blank felt blush appear on her face as she walked closely behind Marionne. Cat listened to everything that was going on around them. Everything seemed clear. Marionne and N.F. kept their noses, eyes, and ears alerted for any sounds of any beings. Blank and Plushtrap was looking around making sure that there isn't anyone who is following them or Anyone who is looking at them. Plushtrap only saw strange building parts while Blank saw empty corridors. Marionne heard footsteps coming from behind them. Everyone turned around and saw Rat walking towards them. Everyone got into their fighting positions.

Rat stopped a few feet away from them and said "So you escaped from the room I see."

Marionne narrowed his eyes and said "Yes. I've escaped."

Rat sighed and said "I know what I did."

Everyone stared at Rat with confusion.

Cat asked with confusion in his voice "What do you mean?"

Rat looked over at Cat and said "What I've done was wrong. Vinnie drugged me again."

Cat and Blank gasped and looked away with upset looks on their faces. Marionne, Plushtrap, and N.F. looked at each other with confused expressions.

Rat looked at everyone and said "But right before I'm let loose..... You guys have to catch me."

Cat narrowed his eyes at Rat and said "When does this game begin?"

Rat smiled and said while dashing off "See you guys!!" Everyone was staring at Rat as he ran by. Marionne and Plushtrap smiled and ran after Rat while everyone else was walking after them.

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