The Meet

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Blank tried to get onto a tree branch and when she got onto one she jumped onto a roof of a building. She ran across some and jumped onto others. Blank jumped onto another building and found a black figure eating a human. Blank noticed that the guy is missing an arm. Blank thought 'Who is eating a human?' She noticed the figure has a mask similar to Reverse Puppet. Blank up to the mask and picked it up without the figure noticing. She looked at it with excitement. The mask has an insane smile on it with top sharp teeth. It was black and white. The eyes were black with white iris's. It has black lines going from the eyes down to the mouth just like Reverse Puppet's mask. There wasn't any blush on the mask, but it did have the black lip stick on it. Blank tried it on and made silent noises not to let the figure know that she was there. Blank smiled and thought 'I like this mask. I want it!!!!!' Blank turned to see the figure and saw it had a very big hoodie on. It must've gone down to his knees or close to his knees. It also seemed to look like a guy! Blank blushed and looked away with embarrassment and thought 'This mask belongs to a guy like this!!!!!' Blank had a flashback of when she drew that black figure. Blank blushed even harder and thought 'I hope this guy isn't the drawing!' Blank placed the mask down very quietly. When she turned to leave she heard.

"Who are you?"

Blank turned to see the guy starring at her with a finger in his mouth. Blank looked away nervously and said "B-Blank!! Y-Y-You?"

The guy swallowed the finger and said with a smile "Nightmarionne! You can call me Marionne!!!"

Blank looked surprised and said "Marionne? Does that mean your just like Reverse Puppet?"

Marionne tilted his head slightly to the right and said "Reverse Puppet?"

Blank shook her head and said "Sorry. I-I'm just not that good with people from other places just yet!!"

Marionne got up with a arm in his hands and said while giving the arm to Blank "I might not know who this Reverse Puppet is, but if this person is your friend then this person is my friend."

Blank looked up at Marionne with a confused look and asked "Pardon?"

Marionne gave Blank the arm and said "I'm just playing. Your my friend. I don't even know this person."

Blank shook her head and said while looking down at the arm "Reverse Puppet looks like you, but she has a blue mask not a black one. Also the mask is not happy its sad."

Marionne looked at his mask and said while looking at Blank "So you took a look at my mask I see."

Blank nodded and said "I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I would just leave you alone."

Marionne shook his head and said "No its fine. Its fun hanging out with more people."

Blank looked up with a surprised expression and said "Really?!"

Marionne nodded and said while ripping off an leg and grabbing his mask "I'll see you around cute one. Also it would be upsetting if someone harmed you."

Blank blushed really hard and thought 'I can't fall in love with this guy! I just can't! Rat would gt mad at me!!'

Marionne walked up to Blank and gave her his ripped up black gloves.

Blank looked at the ripped up black gloves and asked "What is this for?"

Marionne said with a smile "Your now my prey and I'm your hunter."

Blank felt her face get really warm from all that's going on.

Marionne turned around and walked up to the side of the roof. Marionne turned back at Blank with a smile on his face as he jumped off the roof. Blank ran over to the side of the building and saw him landing on his feet and running off. Blank smiled and thought 'I'm going back as well!' Blank jumped off the building and landed on her feet. She straightened herself and ran off to get back to the robot factory right before it opened. She ran past every building, citizen, tree, animal, store, etc. After meeting Marionne. It made her heart warm and full of hope. Blank had a smile while running back to the factory. She doesn't care if Rat would hit her. If she got hurt then Rat would have to deal with Marionne. 'Marionne's black messy hair. His clothes. His everything is perfect for me!!!' Blank thought while running right into the doors of the factory and forgetting to open them. She rubbed her nose and opened the doors to see everyone running over to her.

Cindy asked with worry in her voice "Blank where have you been?!"

Penguin said with also worry in his voice "We've almost told Rat about this!"

Blank said with a smile "There is no need to tell Rat anything."

Reverse Puppet asked with concern "How can you be so calm?!"

Blank put her hand in her pocket to feel the gloves and said "Because he just doesn't need to know."

Everyone nodded and continued to ask Blank everything that happened, but every time they would ask who did she meet. She didn't say anything because they didn't need to know. Blank looked up and thought 'But why would he give me his gloves? Its not like we know each other that much. We just met! This is confusing! I feel in love with a guy who I just met!!!! I'm such a special person...., but he did say that I'm his prey and he's my predator. What does that mean? I have so many questions. I have to find him again. I only want to be his friend not his lover!!!!' Blank walked into her room and was about to take out the gloves until she heard a knock on her door.

Blank walked up to it and said "Yes?"

The voice said "Its Old Candy."

Blank opened up the door with a smile and said "Old Candy!!"

Rat punched Blank in the face and said "What did I say about leaving the factory?!"

Blank touched the punched area and looked back up at Rat with a sad expression.

Rat said while picking her up by the vest "You know what you did!!!! So don't act as if you don't know!!!!!"

Blank almost felt tears come out of her eyes.

Rat dropped her and said "If you leave again. You can expect to be punished the next time you come back."

Blank actually felt tears come out of her eyes and watched Rat leave and telling the others not to care for her. Blank closed the door and wept.

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