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Blank and Chester continued to walk to Cat's office. Chester looks at Blank every once and a while. Chester felt blush appear and thought 'Why does she have to be so cute?' Blank was not even paying any attention to what Chester was doing. Blank thought 'Why did Marionne leave? I understand that he doesn't want to be dealing with Cat. Man I wouldn't either.' Chester looked away and took his arm back. It was quiet on the way to Cat's office. Blank didn't pick up her head even when Chester opens his mouth. When they got to Cat's they heard:

"Come in!!!"

Chester opened up the door for Blank. Blank walked in and saw Cat sitting with his arms crossed. She didn't like the atmosphere that was going around. Cat doesn't usually call her to his office unless its something important or awful.

Cat looked at Blank dead in the eyes and asked "What happened in that room? Why was there an unknown character at this factory?"

Blank looked down and said "That was my friend. He promised to protect me sir. Rat told him that he was going to punish me. So...."

Cat raised an eye and asked "So?"

Blank looked up with some tears coming down and said "So my friend protect me!! He didn't mean to hurt him!!! I know that he wouldn't kill a human being!!!!! If he can't hurt me then he can't hurt a human soul!!!!"

Cat picked up a remote and said "Wrong. Your friend is a nightmare and this is what they do to poor innocent beings." Cat pressed a button and the tv started to show Marionne and his friends on the screen. Blank walked up to a seat and sat in it. On the tv it showed Marionne and his mask on also without his gloves on. He looked more scarier then before. The people that he is with are more scarier. They seem to be eating away at a human body. Minus Marionne he wasn't eating the human. His fingers were covered in blood. He's breathing hard meaning he must've been chasing the human. Blank thought 'That can't be him. It can't be him! It can't be!!!!' The Marionne on the screen turned around and its eyes were on it and he walked over to it. His face was the last thing that they saw from the clip.

Cat turned off the tv and said "You see your friend. Is not a good guy. He's a bad guy. He's a murder. A cold stone murder. He killed someone and allowed other beings to eat that human dead to bone. I can't have someone form here to be falling in love with a monster."

Blank shook her head and said "No your lying!! He won't kill anyone!!!! I know he won't kill anyone!!!!! He's not a murder!!!!!!!"

Cat breathed in and said "I'm not going to argue with you Blank, but at this point it gotten old trying to gain peace with you. I'm saying to stay away from him. He's a killer. Don't forget that."

Blank looked at Cat and yelled "THEN ARE WE?!?!?! WE ARE IN THE SAME POSITION!!!!!!!!!"

Cat got out of his seat and yelled "AT LEAST WE DON'T EAT HUMANS!!!!!!!! THEY DO!!!!!!!!!! THEY EAT AND EAT MORE AND MORE HUMANS EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!"

Blank felt tears come out of her eyes as her heart was being crushed and feeling it shatter.

Cat sat down and said "I'm trying not to be the bad guy here Blank, but at this point with you. I have to be. Go back into your room and not to talk to him. If I see him come back here. He'll pay for his crimes. I promise Rat and Reverse Puppet that Blank, but this will be your punishment. Seeing him die."

Blank froze and thought 'Die........'

Cat got up from his seat and said while opening up the door "Your free to go."

Blank got up from the seat and walked out of the room without a word. Cat closed it when Reverse Puppet was sitting down.

Reverse Puppet said with annoyance "I saw that guy here. And it turns out that they have developed feelings for each other."

Cat sighed and said "I want Blank to be happy, but not with a murderer."

Reverse Puppet nodded and said "Alright."

Cat turned to look at Reverse Puppet and said "I want to capture the murderer and whoever comes with him."

Reverse Puppet nodded and said "Alright, but what about Blank?"

Cat turned around and said while leaving the room "She'll be fine."

Reverse Puppet nodded and followed Cat to fix up the trap.

~Meanwhile back with Blank~

Blank was running into her room and forgot to open it again. So she went face first into the door. Cindy was near by and heard the thud.

Cindy poked her head from a corner and said "Blank?"

Blank rubbed her nose and said "I'm fine."

Cindy shook her head and said "Your not. Let's fix you up."

Blank sighed and said "Alright." Cindy helped Blank up and helped her into her room. Cindy found a first-aid and started to patch up Blank. Most of the time it was quiet.

Cindy patched up Blank and asked "You alright?"

Blank looked down and said "Yeah...."

Cindy shrugged and said "Alright if you say so." Cindy put the stuff back into the band-aid and left the room. Blank closed the door and fell onto the floor with her back against the door. She thought 'It can't be true. He's not a killer. I know he's not.' Then suddenly the lights went off for a second. Blank shrugged and thought 'It wasn't him. He's smart enough not to return from what happened.' Blank fell asleep while curled up in a ball.

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