The Plan

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Vinnie looked at the security cameras with a disgusted expression. He was disgusted on what is going on and thought 'Why is Rat doing this?! He was supposed to be on my side!!!!! That traitor might as well teach him a lesson...' Vinnie got out of his seat and then he heard a knock on the door.

Vinnie cleared his throat and said "Come in."

Cindy went inside the room and said in a cute tone that he liked "Hey Vinnie~!" (~ means flirt if you guys forgot.)

Vinnie smiled and said "Hey Cindy. Shouldn't you be with Candy. He's looking for you."

Cindy walked up to Vinnie and said "Nope. Don't need to. I want to be with you."

Vinnie felt a smile go onto his face. He always liked Blank and Cindy, but since Blank is in love with Marionne. Vinnie felt all of his love go towards Cindy. (I don't ship Vinnie and Cindy. I ship Old Candy and Cindy) Cindy smile made Vinnie smile. Cindy walked by Vinnie and picked up the plans to kill Marionne and the other nightmares that intruded the factory. Vinnie stopped smiling and thought 'I'm going to kill Marionne and claim Blank as mine.' Vinnie saw Cindy wave goodbye and left the room. He doesn't really care about Cindy. He cares about Blank. Her hair reminds him of a little girl that came to see him everyday. She had a nice smile. She always had her hair in pigtails. She loved curly pigtails. Every time the pigtails were straight she made them hit everyone that passed by her. There was another knock on the door. Vinnie looked at the door and said the same thing that he told Cindy to come inside the room. Candy walked in the room with a smile and Chester followed after him.

Vinnie asked while looking at the both of them "Is there trouble?"

Chester nodded and said "Yes sir. Old Candy and Rat had made an alliance with Blank and that nightmare boy and his friends."

Candy said while looking at Vinnie "The recent thing that happened was that they found another nightmare person, but this time its a girl."

Chester had blush appear on his face when he saw the nightmare girl for the first time. She didn't even look at him when she killed Mary Schmidt. Chester shook his head and said "I know what the girl looks like, but I don't have her name."

Vinnie smiled and said "I want you to kill everyone minus these people."

Candy and Chester nodded and asked "Who are the people that we can't kill?"

Vinnie looked at the both of them and said "The nightmare girl, Blank, Rat, Cat, and Old Candy." The both of them smiled and walked out of the room. Vinnie smiled widely and thought 'I want the other ones dead. This will be my plan. Kill Marionne and marry Blank.' Vinnie laughed manically and stopped after with a insane smile.

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