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A/N:this imagine is in the glade,but with girls too.I didn't wanna make this an AU too,bc i feel like i make too many.Anyways,I'm sorry for holding you up.Enjoy the story!!
P.S.Brenda and Teresa(obv) will be here too :)
Y/N's P.O.V.•
I paced around our room,slightly frustrated.Yes,I mean mine and Thomas' room.A few hours ago,Brenda,my best friend in the glade,besides Minho and Newt of course,told me that Thomas had been acting a little bit suspicious.Meaning,she thinks that he is cheating on me.What makes it worse is that she thinks it's Teresa he's with,and she was another close friend of mine,but not as close as Brenda.Anyways,now that I think of it,what Brenda is trying to say,might be true.He is spending a lot of time with her.Maybe I'm just overreacting,but being with all these pretty,skinny,funny girls-especially Teresa-has made me feel insecure,considering I look like a pile of klunk.(im pretty sure you look and are amazing,but if not,join my club xD)I couldn't take this anymore,so I went to Brenda for some advice.I stumbled upon Newt and I asked him where she was."Maybe in the Deadheads,y'know,her normal hangout" was his response.I ran off to her
spot and found her there,reading a book that was apparently sent up here."Hey,Brenda"I greeted and she looked at me and smiled."Hello,Y/N.What brings you here?"She asked."I need your advice.I think you're right.He is spending more time with her,helping her out and all.What do I do?" "Well,I mean-" "Like,am I not pretty enough?Not skinny?I mean yeah I'm not as skinny or as pretty as her.But I just thought he liked it,y'know,because he said so" "Look,I think-" "Do you think he's falling for her?Do you think she's purposely doing this?No,it can't be.She's my friend!I mean,we do talk and all.What do you think?"I narrowed my eyes at her and she smiled sarcastically."Well,if you'd let me talk,I think-" "I got it!Maybe it's her personality!She's so sweet and nice and good...And,sweet.Like,I can't compare to that!You know,I think he'll dump me for her.I can't believe I'm ranting about this and not crying.I think I'm heartless.Maybe that's why.Well,I guess I might as well prepare for the worst.Do you think,maybe,I should break up with him?" "Um-" "Or should I just wait?I feel like I should,right?" "Well-" "Yeah,I'll just wait.Cherish all the time I have with him,even if he doesn't love me anymore"I thought about it for a while."Yeah,I'll just wait and prepare for the worst.Thanks,Brenda"I smiled and waved,then walked away.
"Hey,Newtie"I said sounding happy.Truth is,I'm not.Yeah,I know.Shocker!But no one would know because I'm really good at hiding it.At least that's what I think,because no one has asked me that 'Are you okay' question in a long time.No one has tried to comfort me and all.I guess that's good.Well,for me at least."Oh hey,Y/N"I walked to him and helped him.I was a track-hoe after all(Sorry but i have mental block rn)"You go ahead,Newtie.I'll finish this off" "Are you sure?" "Hundred percent" Then I gave that familiar smile.The fake smile."Alright,thanks Y/N.You're the best" "No problemo"Once he left,that's when the tears appeared.I only cried when I was alone,because I'm embarrassed.It would be absolutely humiliating to cry in front of your friends,after smiling for so long.Yeah,I know it's good to let it out,talk to someone.But I just don't trust anyone,not yet.Yeah,Brenda is my besteast friend,but there was once this girl who had a best friend who thought she could trust.Turns out,he was just using her,never seen her since.Most people think it's suicide,but we've never found her body.Creepy,I know.Anyways,I finished my job and went to the dining hall to get me some dinner.Did I mention that it was nighttime?(did i tho lol)Brenda was at the front door,probably waiting for me.That's what we always do."Hey,shank"I said,smiling."Hey,you're late.Like,really late.Why?" "Uh,had to take care of some stuff.Chores"I stuttered.It was true though."Whatever,let's eat!I'm starving"I giggled and walked in with her,stomach grumbling.
After we took our food,we sat in our usual seats,Brenda on my right and Thomas on my left.However,Teresa was beside him talking and laughing with him.I could feel my heart breaking even more,but I continued smiling and talking to Minho,who was in front of me.
After eating,I went to mine and Thomas' room,Thomas following.We changed into our pajamas and went to sleep.At least Thomas did.I just couldn't,so I went out into the deadheads.I know it's dangerous,but I could care less.All I wanted right now was to clear my thoughts.I went to mine and Thomas' special spot and cried,reminiscing the old
memories,when he still showed affection.I don't want to say 'when he loved me' because who knows?Maybe he's been faking it all along.Then I heard something or someone behind me,yes I can feel when someone is around,so I turned around and saw Newt.I realised that I was crying and tried to wipe it away,but he caught me."Y/N?Are you crying?" "N-no,I just have something in my eye"I stuttered and tried to wipe my tears,but they just kept coming."Uhm,I dont think having something in your eye would make you rub it that much"Fortunately,they stopped and I laughed sadly."Sorry,my eyes are sweating"He chuckled."Love,you know you can tell me anything" "It's nothing,really" "Are you sure?" "Yeah,why don't you just dit here with me.What are you doing out here this late at night?" " I could ask you the same" "Just thinking" "Of what?" "Stuff" "C'mon,you can tell Newtie anything" "It's nothing" "Please?" "It's nothing alright!Just drop it!" I snapped.I looked at him and he looked hurt.Great job,Y/N.No wonder Thomas is cheating on you.Damnit!Shutup!"I-I" "No,it's alright"Newt said standing up and walking away.Just great.I sighed and went to my room after a few minutes,crying myself to sleep.
I woke up abruptly and saw that Thomas was gone.I sighed and got ready for work.

"Hey,Zart"I greeted as soon as I saw him."Oh,hey Y/N"He sounded uninterested.I shrugged it off and went to work.Brenda was a runner so I barely saw her throughout he day but we managed to uphold this friendship.I tried talking to some of the people and they seemed to hate me.But why?I tried to focus on my work and waited for Brenda to arrive in the Glade.
My day went very klunky because everyone seemed to ignore me.Anyways,Brenda came back safe and sound,which I'm really glad about.
Brenda and I sat alone today,and Brenda said that everyone hated me because they thought that I was cheating on Thomas.He was pretty popular because he was a runner.They thought it was Newt I was with,because apparently I'm "spending too much time with him".Which is utter bull.Brenda is the only one who doesn't think it's true,because she knows my relationship with everyone in the Glade.After eating,I went to my room and saw Thomas there,as if expecting me,with his hands crossed and furrowed eyebrows."Uh,hey,Tom" "Why is everyone thinking that you're cheating on me with Newt?" Care to explain?"I sighed."Tom,I already told you.I'm not interested in anyone but you.You know that right?" "Well,I wouldn't know.Someone said that they saw you two at our special spot last night.Is it true?" "Well-" "Is.It.True?" "Yes,okay?!But it isn't what it looks like!" "Don't use that line with me!You know very well what it looks like!" "And you don't!So don't go accusing me wrongly!" "How would I know if I was wrong?!" "You aren't all that perfect either,Tom.And you know it!" "What?" "Im talking about Teresa!You two act more of a couple than we do,Tom!You're always ignoring me,always by her side,always laughing when you're with her.Guess what,Thomas!You have a girlfriend and it isn't her!" "Teresa is just my friend!" "Yeah,right!" "So you're saying that you don't trust me?!" "What?No,Tom,I-" "No,No!That's what you're saying.Maybe this isnt working out" "What?No!" "I-I think itms best if we take a break" "Wait,Tom.I didn't mean that!" "Goodbye,Y/N" "Tom!!"I yelled after him but he was already out the door.I sighed and tried not to cry,despite the tears forming,because I know that someone might cpme in,and I was right.Brenda came barging in,asking questions.I explained everything to her,surprising myself because I hadn't cried.I just couldn't,I had to stay strong."Wow,Y/N.You're probably one of the strongest people I know here,how are you not crying?"I shrugged."I told you,I'm heartless"I joked which earned a chuckle from her.I smiled."Alright,tough cookie.Off to bed"She said and left.I sighed once again and cried myself to sleep,once again.
(sorry for all the timeskips,dont have ideas xD)
I woke up earlier than ususal,which means that I had some time to myself.I could sleep,but then I wouldn't have much time left.So,I decided to go out for a jog around the Glade.(this is so not me..ok ill go now bye)Yes,the perimeter is huge,but I've done it quite a few times,to get stuff off my mind.You might think I'm skinny,but really,I'm not.Anyways,I was jogging near the maze doors when I saw Minho leaning against the doors,looking at me.I immediately stopped."Minho!W-what are you doing here?" "You seem like a pretty good runner.Ever considered that?"He asked,completely ignoring my question."Uh,no.Why?" "Well,you are a pretty good runner,and since we just lost one,wanna be one?"I thought about it.They did just lose one,and I was a pretty good runner,so might as well."Sure"I smiled."Great!So you'll be with me,I'll teach you everything"This ought to be fun.
does this even have a plot lol.im sorry this sucks but im planning on another one and yeah :3should I do a part 2 for this?anyways,hope you enjoyed :)

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