The final chapter

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'hey little girl. Welcome to WICKED. Your presence is greatly appreciated.' She was taken by the small, toddler sized hands by the man with the grey hair, except he had darker hair, less wrinkles, more happiness.

Hundreds of other boys and girls greeted her, some older, some the same age, she was left to play with the ones her age.


She was older now, around 13. 'Its time to show you the ropes Lythia. You have such a smart head on your shoulders! Your specialty will be I.T. look, this is how it works.'

His hand pressed against the glass screen, sparking electricity as words and codes appeared. She was expected to crack them, and everyday she knew exactly what to do. She peered through the glass, a young face of Gally peering through.


Grown again, around 16, she stood with Thomas, laughing and drinking.

She now stood infront of Gally, now slightly older looking yet still young. Their first proper meeting. 'Gally, remember? get it right' he smiled.


Older once more, time slowed, Gally closer to the way Lythia remembers, kissing eachother, for the first time.

Months, years passed of their dates, a tattoo of an arrow, his words filling her head.

A tattoo of a bird, designed with cogs and mechanisms, etched into Gallys back shoulder blade as they looked at it in the mirror. 'Time flies, you know? with you. I love you' He softly spoke.

Vivid memories of the things she experienced with him, her first time.

The hate in Teresa's eyes, glaring at her, watching her and Gally fall in love more and more each day.

'My ex. Shes a bitter one' Gally laughed.


They watched their friends, and innocent people dying in the maze.

Gallys arms wrapping around her as she cried into his chest in the darkness, the gulit of watching such things, haunting her.


Thomas' smile as he hatched a plan, 'we set them all free' he said. 'It shouldn't be like this.' he said, Gally nodding in agreement.


The screams hurting her throat as she was held back, watching Gally struggle as he kicked and cursed, being dragged by the security, the same ones who'd took their other friends. Awoken in the night and ripped from his grips, the last time his name left her mouth, the last time he seen her eyes, brimming with tears as she was held down in her pyjama shorts, her name echoing off the walls from his words as he was pulled down the hallways.


The time dragging, each night crying into Thomas' arms, kept in a locked room, the trust between them and WICKED ruined.

'We'll get him back, we'll get him back' Thomas repeated, anything to stop her pain.


The repetition, Thomas being pried from her as she screamed, kicking and punching the air as his writhing body was torn away from her existence, his last words, reassuring her, though she knew it wasn't true.

'I'll come back for you Lythia'


The hurt, the depression, the determination eventually seeped from her bones, giving up as each night she lay on the rickety bed, her brother gone, her boyfriend gone, sometimes forced to watch them live in the maze daily, knowing they'd forgotten about her, as she was reminded of the rules they tried to break. Her eyes swollen with tears, she had nothing left to hold onto, she was alone.

Indecisive | The Maze Runner | Gally | Will PoulterWhere stories live. Discover now