1. It's Never Really Over

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Almost two lifetimes had seemed to pass before Toby could find Austin again. It wasn't really that long, of course, but being without him for any measurable amount of time made it appear that way. But it was in the past, regardless, and he didn't really want to think about that anymore-what came before, and all the horrors that dwelled within it. The embrace was warm, comfortably so, and Austin moved his hands just slightly from where they rested, palms open, on his bare chest. Even that small touch, as insignificant as it was, proved enough.

The ecstasy threatened to drown them, though Toby couldn't think of a better way to go, and he opened his eyes just a sliver to stare up at the man that he loved. But he didn't need his sight to be enthralled in their passion, for he could feel his lover there, sitting just on top of him as he rocked his hips back and forth ever so gently. Even then Toby wanted more from him, and he grabbed him by the neck and pulled his face down so he could kiss him, kiss him harder and with more fire than ever before because it had been forever since he had been able to. Then Austin broke from his lips, leaning into his ear to whisper something to him. Those three simple words.

But they weren't the ones that Toby heard.

Reality came crashing back in as he woke, realizing that it'd all been a dream. That same dream he'd been plagued with for months now. It had seemed like a blessing at first, but now it just made waking back to this world that much harder, and he wasn't so sure anymore. With groggy eyes he focused on the woman standing at the door, listening as she told him that he needed to get up, to get ready. That it was time for him to leave. Though he'd been there since the previous year, he still hadn't managed to learn her name-which didn't seem that strange, it was the least of his worries after all.

It also didn't seem strange to receive her instruction, because he'd known for weeks now that this day was fast approaching, and that he'd receive his eviction notice and be forced out. He was torn about that. Toby hated the place, hated the people inside it, but he also did not want to return to life outside, to what he knew would inevitably be waiting for him once he did. Very little choice was offered to him in the matter though-which seemed to be the model of his life-that he seldom got to choose. So he didn't fight it, getting up and doing as he was told as he waited for the inevitable release.

And it came, right on cue, and he stood and followed behind the woman whose name that he did not know as he marched towards his execution. But she didn't lead him to the chair, or to the gas chamber, and after a few signatures-per standard procedure-he was shown the front door and promptly pushed out. Now he was forced back into the world, to face it. Alone. Austin was dead, that much he knew would be waiting for him, and he said nothing as he looked about to find just one person waiting for him.

"You look well, Toby. I've been praying for you," Blair smiled kindly as she approached him, holding open her arms as if she expected him to run into them. He didn't, but she hugged him briefly anyway, stepping back once she'd finished.

"You alone?" He responded, knowing she was. Part of him liked it that way, and part of him felt a little angry that none of the others could be bothered. Blair and Nina had been the only ones who had tried to see him all the time he was locked away in there-even though he never accepted their visits.

"It's just me," she tried to remain chipper. But nothing about him or his situation was chipper, and her eyes fell to the long scars he had on his arms. She hadn't meant to, but her curiosity got the best of her-after all, the last time she'd seen them they were raw and bloody. But they'd changed. In fact, a few things had changed about him. He was darker now, in soul, and besides the scars he appeared to be leaner-a result she could easily glean was due to his refusal to eat. He'd also grown his hair in, gone was that dreadful strip along his scalp, and in its place was a full head of black. The gloves were gone too. Austin had tried so hard to convince him to give them up, and he had. If only for him.

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