12. Breakdown

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The television did not offer any pleasant news, and neither had the week. Indeed, it had been only a relatively short time since Andreegys had unleashed his plague, and yet reports poured in from all over the globe of the epidemic that had already claimed thousands of lives. A mass hysteria went hand in hand with the disease, as did the governments of several major countries funneling millions of dollars into researching this illness that seemingly came from nowhere, and could not be stopped. If it could claim so many lives in just one week, how many would be lost in the next, in the month? Toby wasn't sure how to feel as he stared at the screen, watching the panicked press coverage from his beloved city, the stoic Monica Wright just behind him with remote in hand.

"It starts simply enough," she seemed unaffected as she switched the set off, "like any normal illness they say-a fever, cough, you know the drill. Then it progresses to body cramps, vomiting, all the unsavory stuff. The little necrotic nodules are what you have to look out for though, that's what really spells the end."

"People are dying." He growled, hostile as he turned to face her, his anger seeking a place to go. "Blair's close to putting together a spell that'll purge that bastard from Myrna."

"And what, you think that'll stop all of this from happening? Oh, sweet pea, you've got to be a little wiser than that. Even if your nun does somehow succeed, that doesn't mean you'll kill Andreegys, and if he's not dead then his divine retribution will continue. No, that's why it's so important for you and I to be successful." She brushed off her pointy shoulder pads as she spoke.

"You still want my help even after I failed your pathetic, little test? How thoughtful of you." His sarcasm should've been evident, he thought.

"I know you had every intention of killing Dede Fletcher, I could see as much in the kiss we shared. That's good enough for me-though I would've liked her dead-there wasn't really much you could've done up against a god. She's probably been filleted alive a million times over by now anyway. One can dream, right? Well, enough of that, it's time we made our move." Her dedication was solid, and she tightened her scowl.

"I hope you plan on actually getting your own damn hands dirty here, I'm sure as hell not going to be your bitch." He crossed his arms.

"I wish I could, but I just got a manicure, you know? Besides this next part is not something I can really do-it has to be you." Monica smirked, going quiet for a minute as she considered the best way to sell it to him. He had been quick to follow after everything she'd said, as she knew he would be, but at any minute she knew he might look a little too closely at her lies and turn the other way. So she had to be careful; balance it well. "I'm sure you've been wondering why I waited a week to call on you again, but I only did so because I believed you needed to see for yourself the kind of consequences your refusal would have."

"You know, I only get more pissed off the longer you make me wait for this shit, just say it." Toby again knew that there would be yet another price to pay, but he'd gotten through having to pay the last one, and he knew he could do it again. He had to.

"The order of the old gods has long ended, there aren't a lot of viable contenders to go toe to toe with a god, and the only thing that can kill Andreegys is another god. Byrenion, to be more specific. We have to sway him to our side." She shrugged, matter of fact.

"In case it slipped that damn evil mind of yours, he isn't really in the giving mood. Lorelei and them have already tried getting him to help, your boss even tried. Hell, even Andreegys-the one who plotted and planned for millions of years to bring him back-was unable to convince him to pick a side." He scoffed, mocking her for her stupidity. But she said nothing, opting to instead continue looking at him, and he took notice, swallowing a little. "Why do you say it has to be me, anyway?"

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