10. Sins of the Father

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Toby felt a little guilty, being back with the gang when he knew that he'd been consorting with Monica. She had told him pretty words, and whether or not he believed her he had already committed. He was supposed to meet her soon, to talk about what came next, but until then it was business as usual. It was an unspoken agreement between everyone that Lorelei be suspended from the group, as a result of what had gone down with Nina, and since that left them one person short-their leader-he'd been forced to pick up some extra hours. Another unspoken agreement. That was why he was with Qui'hara and the reluctant Cliff as they patrolled the city for any nefarious activity.

And they didn't have to look hard.

"Do you hear that?" The demoness held up her hand, stopping them as she looked back and forth slowly, apparently aware of something the men were not, and Toby and Cliff both glanced around to the peaceful trees, noting nothing more than the birds and the wildlife. It was fortunate that she was with them though, because with one swift motion she managed to barrel into them both and knock them down, allowing the magical blast that had been aimed for them to whiz by overhead without incident. Before they even saw Andreegys they saw his black shards, shooting out and birthing his crystalline warriors.

"As you can see, I'm feeling much better now." The old god was upon them suddenly, flanked by Liam, as he set his eyes on the hybrid.

"It's nothing I can't fix!" Toby couldn't bear the thought of bantering with him, and charged forward immediately. It was strange, it was almost as if the immortal's creations were only interested in occupying Qui'hara and Cliff, as none of them seemed to pay him any mind. That wasn't the case with the Irish cyborg though, who stepped in front of his master to greet him, backhanding him across to jaw and sending him tumbling back to where he'd started. Then he did find himself constrained, a group of undead popping out of the earth around him as they were brought to life.

"We wouldn't want you to forget, now would we? I thought it was high time that I paid you and yours a visit." Andreegys was smug.

"How could we forget, you bastard? After what you did?"

"After what I did? Death is but a part of life, stupid boy-what I gave to you was a gift. A choice."

"What damn choice did I have? You killed Nina before I got to say anything!" Had he thought it would go any different, Toby would've charged again, but he knew it would yield the same results and he stayed where he was.

"Even you know that you are wrong. I am a god, I see all things, inside and out. You had a choice, and you made it. You just didn't know how to say it out loud." The silver eyed immortal gloated, watching him. Then, when he could see that he had the hybrid squirming, he summoned her to the field, watched his face as he first saw the dead body of Nina Nyberg, upright and on her feet. "She will stay at my side, for all to see, so that you will know that I am the god king."

"No, I won't let you," with quick hands Toby lurched forward, setting fire to her before she could even reach him. The adrenaline in his veins made it a little easier to swallow the sadness as he watched her form turn to ash and lift up with the wind. But it didn't blow away, instead circling around until it came back to the center, reassembling until she stood there again and the old god laughed.

"She is mine to do with what I please, you cannot destroy her without my blessing." He informed him, "though I must admit, you already chose to kill her once, I hadn't thought you'd opt to do so again. Not that it matters, it is inconsequential. You will fight her now, along with the rest of my living dead." He turned away, finished with what he'd come to say. The look of torture on the hybrids face was delicious, and in a world where he had not yet gained everything he deserved, he was willing to settle for the time being. After all, to bring pain to all mortals was something he'd long craved.

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