3. Forget Me Not

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Monica found Wellever watching for her as soon as she stepped off the elevator, and she waited almost patiently as he approached, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her aside like he somehow forgot that he was supposed to be afraid of her. Though, she considered, it was perhaps his grand romanticism that made him so blind in the face of danger, and she knew all too well that he'd go to hell and back to protect Vorne-after all, he was more taken with him than any of the boss' other conquest's had ever been. She could at least pity him for that, if anything, the poor fool.

"Where've you been? Don't think your absence has gone unnoticed," the green eyed Brit took off his glasses, perhaps imagining that it somehow made him more formidable. "It hasn't been all that long since you've been allowed back, is this really how you want to proceed?"

"I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to say here? I mean, assuming I am guilty of your baseless claims, would you really be giving me a chance to recover? That's so sweet of you, Walter," she feigned for a moment, smiling at the secretary that walked by before turning her attention back to him, slamming him into the wall and holding her arm on his neck. "I trust you haven't forgotten what you did, because I sure haven't. You may be under our gracious boss' protection for the time being, but the second you lose his favor and he turns his back I still plan to kill you."

"What happened to Stephanie was regrettable, but it wasn't my fault!" Despite knowing it would yield no results, Wellever struggled in her clutches all the same. "If you weren't of the mindset that you had to kill anything and everything then she'd still be alive. But enough about that-I suggest you put me down before I call for Vorne, I'm sure he'd be betwixt to see the state you have me in."

"Is that what you want to be, dear? Are you always going to be his toy? Because let me tell you something, I know you may love him now, you may be taken in by his beauty and his charm but before you know it he will chew you up and spit you out. I guarantee it. He doesn't love you, no matter what you tell yourself, and though I shouldn't care at all, I kind of want to be the one to kill you-not him-so here's a word of advice. Wise up before it's too late." Monica whispered, leaning in close to his ear before complying, though she did not want to, and dropping him back to the ground.

"You think you've got him all figured out, but you're wrong-you can't take what happened in the relationship the two of you had and try to make it applicable to me. You were turned away because you're an insatiable monster without any loyalties, while I, on the other hand, will always be in his grace because there isn't a thing I wouldn't do for him. That's what true companionship is-true love. Something you'd know nothing about, I'd wager."

"Oh, believe me, I had love. You just took it away from me. Now, in just one second I'm going to turn around and walk away from this conversation, and the two of us will pretend like it never happened. Trust that it's better for the both of us that way."

"I don't think so. Very clever, I'll admit, there's that famous manipulation, but it strikes me that you never did say where you'd gone off too."

"Well it might blow you away to discover that despite my little expulsion, I still have other stakes in this city besides the moral game of chess we play. That isn't against the rules, is it, having a life?" Monica raised an eyebrow, knowing that he had no way of refuting her claims-she'd been very thorough to ensure that her visit to Toby would be untraceable. Of course he didn't believe her, as was always the case, and he kept her ensnared in his vision as he tried to find a way to catch her in her lie. But then they both heard a commotion coming from her-or rather, Vorne's-office, and together they rushed to see what it was.

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