13. The Field Where They Died

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Everything was quiet as they all stared at her, breathless in their wonder as to why she had called them to the shop. She looked tired, with bags under her eyes, and days without sleep had left her with pale skin and an unsteady balance on her feet. Nevertheless she prevailed, standing before them looking wholly undefeated, and beautiful in her triumph. Blair held her grimoire in her hand, proud of the words and the magic that were pressed between its pages, and proud of the assembly of her friends that had maintained faith in her. It almost made what was soon to come worth it.

"I have finished the spell. We will finally be able to free Myrna." She chose to keep it simple, to relish in the excited murmurs that rippled through the group. They were all there, even Toby, and she met his eyes with hers as they exchanged a silent understanding.

"Then let us go," Qui'hara acted as though she had no time to waste, saying the words quicker than she could jump up.

"Woah, hold up, it's not exactly that easy." Percy held out a hand to stop her, hovering just a step away from the nun as if she were some kind of muscle.

"I'm afraid that is correct. While it is true that the exorcism is ready, we must still figure out how to execute it. I mean, even if we were to somehow locate Andreegys' new lair, the last time we rushed in did not bode well for us-we lost one of our own." The good sister explained, watching Lorelei's head bow in shame. But there wasn't time to stroke hurt feelings, and she continued. "This time we have to be prepared, we need to be the ones calling the shots."

"And how exactly do you suggest we do that? We can't just call him up on the phone and ask him to come on over." Cliff almost seemed annoyed, goading the others instead of trying to think of solutions. One look from the demoness quieted him though.

"Maybe not, but we've still got to find a way to bring him onto our turf." Toby could see the plan unfolding, and he shook his head and scoffed. "We need bait."

"Byrenion." Lorelei was quick to pick up on it as well, and she put away her shame in an attempt to help out her friends. "He'd come running if Byrenion called for him."

"Sorry, but I'm going to have to ask it again," it was Cliff, still being pessimistic and still being unable to temper his wit despite the glares from the Karthix warrior. "How are we supposed to swing that?"

"You've adopted him, shouldn't be too hard to have that conversation." Toby was dry when he spoke to the thief, knowing it came across to her as resentful as it sounded. Still, in the back of his mind he considered the possibilities. It seemed like a golden opportunity to further his plans with Monica, to sway Byrenion to the cause. He wouldn't have to work so hard at convincing him if there was an actual reason why he should join them. That, and he was having a hard time even considering becoming chummy with the monster who had invaded Austin.

"Do you think you might be able to convince him?" Blair redirected the conversation back to herself, asking in a much politer way. She was no fool, and she-like the rest of them-knew that Byrenion represented their best chance of tricking Andreegys into a trap.

"I can try, it's all that I can do." Lorelei couldn't bear any more sneers in her direction, and she excused herself, leaving the shop to do her part. It was a long shot, she knew that, but she also knew that she might stand a chance if she could convince Byrenion that his role really wouldn't require him to betray his beloved. He would just be the bait, and they would do the rest.

"We will continue aiding all those we can, call upon us when you are ready." Qui'hara clamped her hand on Cliff's shoulder, pulling him along as she also left and entered back into the fray.

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