Chapter 11- James

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You fire the flare. You smile to yourself when Kong attacks the big one. Kong's okay. You drop the flare gun, looking at the slice on your palm. You had cut yourself on the way up here. But you'll be okay.

Kong roars again, grabbing a broken tree. He removes the branches with his hand and holds onto it tightly as his weapon. The big one screeches, charging towards Kong. Kong roars, taking large steps to the crawler, the impact of the hit snaps the tree in half. The crawler falls back.

But it instantly picks itself up and jumped to Kong. Kong swiftly grabs ahold of its neck. The crawler wraps it's slithering body around Kong. Kong grabs ahold of the crawlers claw, struggling to weaken the creature.

The big one screech, pushing itself forward. Kong trips into the river. Trying to get himself up, but the crawler manages to throw Kong from behind. The water splashes as Kong lands. His hand shakes around, noticing that his body is tied in chains.

Kong growls, his arms resisting to get free. But he is stuck. The big one crawlers on top of Kong. Kong tries to attack but the big one lays his hand on Kong's chest, pushing him down.

The big one leans forward. Screeching to Kong. Kong roars again, his teeth showing. The big one's slithering tongue with multiple ends slides out. Dancing around Kong's head.

The big one turns around at the shots of bullets. Houston's expression is furrowed as he continues to fire with the machine gun on the boat. The big one screeches, stepping back from the bullets hitting its scales.

Conrad smiles with the water dripping down his face. His legs lift up into the air as he runs towards the boat. "Come on! Let's go!" He shouts, waving his hand in direction of the boat.

All soldiers follow after Conrad as the boat sails closer to them. "Come on!" San shouts, hoping that they'll make it on board on time. Houston continues to fire until the bullets stop. He's out.

Houston hisses to himself, trying to think quickly enough of how to reload the gun. The big one stops moving back, noticing the attack has stopped. The big one screeches, taking its time making its way over to the boat.

Hank pushes Houston out of the way. Praying that he'll be able to reload the gun in time. Kong pulls himself up, growling to himself. He pulls against the chains. Desperately wanting to get to the crawler. The chains begin to break.

You curse to yourself. Hank won't be able to reload in time. You grab the spare bullet from your pocket. You do it calming, not wanting to drop the flare into the river. You load the gun and raise it. Closing one eye to get a better aim.

You pull the trigger. The flare soars the air. The crawler walks oblivious to the flaming shot. It screeches as the flare lands in its eye. The flare blows inside, throwing the big one's head. It's claw grabs ahold of the source of pain. Stumbling from the none clear sight.

Hank finishes reloading the gun. He shouts "clear!" and begins to fire again at the big one. The soldiers raises their guns, firing at the big one as well. Conrad still isn't in the boat.

"Come on you bastard" Conrad says, running opposite of the boat. Hoping that the big one will follow after him instead of attacking the group. The big one spots Conrad. And does what Conrad had hoped.

Kong rips the rusty propeller attached to the chain and swings it back to gain force. Kong pulls the chain forward. The propeller swinging behind and it flies to the big one. The propeller lands inside of the big one's back. The big one screeches in pain.

Kong pulls the big one closer to him by the chain. The big one continues to screech when Kong steps over it. Kong places the chain around the big one's throat and begins to pull. The big one screeches again, falling back. The chain falling off of his neck.

But Kong doesn't give the big one a breather. He lifts the struggling creature into the air and slams its body into the river. He lifts the crawler up instantly and spins him around. Throwing him onto the side of a mountain. The mountain that you're on.

Your eyes widen and you shout in fear. The impact of the crawler shakes the mountain, forcing you off of it. Conrad's eyes widen. "Y/N!" He screams at the top of his lungs, stumbling into the low level of water but rushes to get to you.

Pieces of grass and stone fall with you as your hands reach out. Hoping that you could grab onto anything. Sadly, that won't happen. Kong's eyes widen, realising what his has done.

Your body smacks through the water. You black out from the impact. You slowly sink to the bottom with no one near to help you.

The crawler leaps, attacking Kong. Kong throws the crawler off of him. He slams him on the wet stones. The crawler tries to attack him again but Kong pushes him back onto the stones. Kong tightens his grip on the rusty propeller. The crawler pulls itself up, leaping to Kong. Kong smacks it down with his free hand before hitting the big one with the propeller. The big one pulls itself up, Kong uppercuts the crawler.

The crawler lets out one last screech before falling down onto the stone. Not responding after that. Kong drops the propeller and lets out a growl.

The water is silent as you continue to sink. Kong's large hand slowly enters, gently grabbing you and pulling up out. The water drains from his hand as he brings you out. He looks at you, not sure if you are okay or not.

The big one screeches, coming out of no where and it's teeth landing on Kong's other arm. Kong's hand closes shut as he tumbles over in the water. He kicks the big one off of him in the process.

Kong stands himself up with the crawler instantly leaping at him. With Kong's free hand he grabs ahold of the crawler's neck. The big one's lower body crawls over Kong. It's mouth snapping, trying to bite Kong.

It's tongue shoots out. The tongue wraps around Kong's wrist. Kong growls as his hand is pulled into the crawler's mouth. Kong struggles to pull his hand out. Kong tries to grip onto the crawler's body to pull out his hand.

Kong growls, opening his hand inside of the crawler to grip onto its tongue. With one hand on its tongue, and the other of its body. Kong pulls both ways. Ripping out the crawler's long tongue.

The crawler stops, apart of its organs falling out of its mouth before Kong chucks the creature behind him like it was nothing.

Kong beings down, opening his hand slowly to see if you are there. You lay unconscious on his hand. He slowly and carefully puts you on the ground before walking away.

Conrad rushes over to you. He kneels besides you and pulls up your upper body. His expression is terrified. "Y/N, Y/N oh Y/N! Please wake up! Please wake up Y/N!" He begs, shaking your body.

Your eyes shoot open and you cough out the water that was in your lungs. Conrad lets out a cry and pulls you to his body embracing you. He breathless but he refuses to let you go.

"You- called me by my first name.." You speak. Conrad sighs, pulling himself back so he can look at you but you are looking at Kong. You blink, looking back to Conrad.

"I did" he chuckles before kissing your wet forehead. You laugh, swallowing the lump in your throat. Conrad blinks to you, staring deeply in your eyes.

" I nearly died, I think.. Surely I can get something else yeah?" You ask, biting back your smirk. Conrad laughs softly. Slowly leaning in closer, he plants his cold lips against your cold lips. Your arms wrap around him, bringing him closer to you.

When you's pull apart, his mouth opens. He says "It's James... My name is James".

I couldn't bring myself to write about Cole's death.

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