Chapter 9- Vietnam

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The walk is silent. You stay ahead of Conrad. Looking around for a mountain, hill, anything. Conrad watches you from behind, questioning how he can get you to talk to him.

"Vietnam" he says. You turn around to him, your eyebrows furrowed. What is he going on about.

"What?" You question, not walking anymore. Conrad sighs and walks to you. Brushing back his hair, he stops in front of you.

"I don't sleep because of Vietnam" he tells you, gesturing for you to walk besides him. You do walk beside him. You step over the rocks, avoiding the mud. You wonder what happened in Vietnam. "I went over to Vietnam to train troops" he informs you. "I was told that I was training them to fight" he mumbles slightly. "When really, I was training them, to die..." He murmurs, looking down.

You's walk in silence for a moment. You bite the inside of your cheeks, having no clue with what to say. "You weren't training them to die.." You tell him, your voice wasn't exactly confident but. Conrad sighs, pinching his temples.

"But I was L/N.." He sighs. "I decommissioned because I wasn't fighting. I was letting them fight, to only die when I got in. You know, after I trained them. They left for war and 4 days later a report came in. 90% of them were already dead.." He mutters, shaking his head.

"Conrad.." You say. "Just because they died, it doesn't mean you caused it. Don't you know how many people die in war? The best die in war. They knew what they were in for. Everyone goes to war, knowing the fact that death is probably waiting around the corner from them" you explain to him, hoping that he'll understand that this isn't his fault.

Conrad sighs and the walk goes silent for a moment. "Randa told me men go to war looking for something. And if be home now if I found it.." He trails, stepping over a large rock. You look to him, thinking at the words he had just said.

"Perhaps you are looking for something to do with this war" you say, speeding ahead of him. He considers your choice of words and follows after you.

As the night sky begins to set. You's finally see a rocky mountain. You smile, instantly climbing up it. You's don't have much time. You race up it. The light gets darker, making it harder to see.

"Ah!" You shout, your chin landing on a  rock. You hiss to yourself, your arms pushing you up.

"Are you alright?" Conrad asks, helping you up properly. You nod your answer and Conrad keeps a hold of you while you go up the mountain.

You breathe heavily. The sun completely setting. Conrad keeps a tight hold on your wrist, searching around for the top. Just a bit further and you'll be there. He picks you up, putting you on a large rock and climbs up after you.

"Just a bit more" he tells you, climbing up another rock. He offers his hand and you take it. He lifts you up and in another couple of minutes. You've hit grass. You sigh in relieve, resting your hands on your knees. You look around for a clear view. You smile, seeing other mountains from behind trees.

"There" you point. Conrad looks over there and nods, grabbing a hold of your hand he pulls you, avoiding contact with trees. You smile, staring at the night sky. You's step to the edge of the cliff. Overlooking the stars reflect off of the river. You smile, you are going to go home.

You and Conrad stare at the river. Searching for the easiest way to get down when you hear a roar. You stumble back, Conrad gets a firm grip of you when the ground shakes. You gulp as Kong appears before your eyes.

Conrad holds onto your hand, his finger intertwining with yours. He breathes smoothly and so do you. As Kong stares at you's. He breathes in and out heavily, you can feel his breath like wind.

You step closer to him. Conrad trying to make you stop without getting Kong mad but you've hand slips out of his grasp. You raise your hands in surrender and step to Kong. You gulp, your hand resting against his nose.

You blink, amazed with this. Your hand gently rubs against Kong's nose and his eyes soften. You laugh lightly, continuing to rub him.

Conrad's eyes water up. He stares at Kong shocked with how gentle he really is. But Conrad stays in place, afraid that he will attack if he approached him.

A loud bang echoes through the sky. Conrad's eyes widen at the flames occurring in the distance. Kong turns around and his angry expression returns. He roars loudly and rushes down the mountain. To the fire.

"Come on!" Conrad shouts, grabbing ahold of your hand. You rush to keep up with him.

"Where are we going!" You question, irritated by not knowing.

"To save Kong" Conrad tells you. You's rush down the rocks. You be extra careful not to trip, because there would be no coming back. You's don't speak, just try to get back to the group as fast as possible.

You's jump of the last rocks, onto the dirt ground. Dodging the trees coming your way. Your lower body smacking against the bushes and leaves. You breathe deeply, running out of breath but you have to keep going.

You's hear small chat. You smile, glad that you have made it back to the group. "Don't shoot!" Conrad shouts, raising his hands in surrender. Houston sighs in relieve, lowering his weapon.

You and Conrad stop running. They all watch you in confused tones. Wondering what's going on. "You's 4 go thatta way" you instruct, pointing your finger in the direction of the river. "The boat will be over there and you's will be save there" you inform them.

"You don't have to tell me twice" Houston says to himself, getting ready to go already. Hank's eyebrows furrow, and he steps towards you's.

"Where are you's 2 going?" Hank asks, his eyes flickering from you to Conrad. Back and forward. You look over to Conrad and he opens his mouth.

"We are going to save Kong" Conrad tells him. A smile grows on Hank's lips.

"I'm coming with you's" he says.

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