CHAPTER 6: Battle Plans

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~~~Keith's POV~~~

Shiro has been acting weird... Like... Really weird... I noticed he left that one night after battle, but I figured he was taking a late night flight to clear his mind... Ever since that night though, he's been nonstop bringing up Lance in conversations... It's putting me on edge and making me very curious...

I sighed as I sat on the couch to rest. I've been training harder since that last flight. I almost got caught if it wasn't for Shiro holding that other pilot, distracting everyone else. I'd never seen Shiro physically handle one of the pilots after taking down their jet. Must've been pissed at the guy. Shiro came through the door huffing from afternoon training. He's been looking more and more tired from those, because of Lily. She's not only second in command to the leaders, but she's now the training instructor. All of the Avians' fighter skills have greatly improved since she started teaching, but it's brutal. You either do it right, or collapse from exhaustion. There is no in between.

Shiro went to the kitchen to grab some water when I noticed a fairly large bruise on his shoulder. Standing up, I went over and gently touched it. Shiro jumped, but stayed quiet as I examined the discoloration.

"What happened, Shiro? What did you do? Lily get a good one on you?"

"I... Umm... I made Pidge mad..."

I blinked for a moment to process what he said then burst into laughter. I fell on the floor and Shiro was blushing like a mad man.

"Lily already did the same thing, don't you laugh, too... It's embarrassing..."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. Heheh." I wiped a tear from laughing so hard and pat his back.

"What did you do to make her angry? She normally gets along with you really well. I'm surprised she was able to cause this much damage."


He blushed madly and I quirked a brow at him with a smirk.

"I, ummm....."

"You walked in on her changing after training, didn't you?" He jerked at that and turned away from me. Nailed it. "I'm right, ain't I? What's that, the fourth time now?"

"Y-yes... It was an accident though! I walked into the changing room to change myself and she was just pulling her shirt over herself! She didn't notice me and started to take off her undergarments, so I tried to leave, but my f*cking wings got caught in the entryway; making a ton of noise! She raced over at me, WITHOUT A SHIRT STILL, and kicked the fire out of my shoulder till I freed myself! She got my wing a couple times and it's so sore!!! I said sorry multiple times, but she kept going and going, and-"

I cut him off from his rambling by putting my hand over his mouth. He stopped and breathed heavily through his nose.

"Calm down, Shiro. I know you didn't mean it and I'm gonna go have a talk with her about this. We don't need you injured, because of a stupid mistake."

"Keith, it's not that bad and I don't want her to-"

"No, Shiro. I'm talking with her. I have to go out to talk to Lily about training anyway." I turned and walked out the door, leaving behind a worried Shiro. I came to Pidge's house and knocked before entering. I walked in, announcing myself and walk in the direction of her room. The house was empty and quiet. Not the usual for her home. Approaching her door, I heard quiet crying. I was freaking out at that point, because Pidge only cries if there's a reason. I burst through the door, scaring her in the process, and wrapped her in my arms and wings. She curled her hands in my shirt, but kept quiet.

"What's the matter, Katie? Is it because of what happened with Shiro? You know he didn't mean to..." She sniffles and buried her face.

"I know, Keith... I got upset from that, but that's not why I'm crying... I'm upset that I hurt him like that... For the fourth time I've hurt him... I overreacted and gave him a nasty bruise and a sore wing... He's important to this war and I shouldn't have done that... Lily got on to me and was really scary... Also... I'm upset, because I hurt someone I care about... You know I really like your brother and I feel that he hates me now for doing that-"

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