CHAPTER 20: Bring It On

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A/N: I live!!! Haha! Sorry for being gone for so long from y'all. Life happens, you know? Well we're getting close to the end guys! Sad times. I don't want it to be so close, but it must happen. Also, a bit before we get started, there is the smex in this chapter, so be warned. Hope you guys enjoy!

~~~Lance's POV~~~

What the hell happened to Keith? What happened while he was knocked out? I can't even imagine what he went through... It sounded terrible and horrifying from what he said happened to all of us... I get shivers everytime I think of him seeing my heart get ripped out and crushed and seeing Shiro get torn apart... To lose his entire family and friends in a couple of minutes is just... Heartbreaking...

I sigh as I pet Keith's hair. He fell asleep on me while I read a book to him. I'm glad that he's calm now and not freaking out like he had for the past couple of days. Ever since the ambush from the Galra when he got a nasty hit to the head, he was having those horrible nightmares. He hasn't told me everything that happened to him, but I know he'll tell us all when he's ready. For right now, he needs to relax and recover. I kissed the top of his head when he began to stir. Haha, whoops.

"Hey, Lance... What time is it?"

"Just past noon. Sorry if I woke you, babe. Heheh."

"No, no, it's all cool. I don't mind waking up to a sight like this~"

Keith rolled over and was now straddling my hips. I smirked up to him and chuckled.

"I also don't mind if this happens everytime you wake up~" I practically purred as I massaged his thick hips. God, I love his hips... They drive me crazy! Keith smiled and began to purr as he leaned down to kiss me, his wings lightly shuddering. I smiled into the kiss and licked his lips, wanting entrance. He granted me it and I went to town. I haven't got to be like this with him for a while. Not since the last time when Pidge interrupted us. Speaking of, Pidge. I pulled away from Keith, earning a whine from him. I chuckled at his cute pouty face.

"Just hold on one sec, sweety. I need to make sure of something."

"Make sure of what?"

"Hey, Pidge! If you're watching or listening to us right now, I suggest you turn your monetor off!" Keith's face lit up like fire and I couldn't help but to laugh my ass off. There was a brief moment of silence when the intercom came on.

"Noted, Lance. Thanks for the heads up. I was about to check in on you guys. Guess you're doing okay."

I burst into laughter and Keith groaned. Pidge laughed a little before leaving us to ourselves. I grinned up at Keith's adorable, embarrassed face and chuckled. He huffed, but smiled otherwise as he captured my lips with his. I hummed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and enjoyed this moment I rarely get with him. Keith trailed kissed down my neck, causing me to moan and tilt my head back to give him more access. He then pulled my shirt over my head and continued to trail down my body. My skin felt heated and my breath quickened. Keith is the only one who can make me feel this way and I love it. He tugged at the hem of my boxers with his teeth and that was a major turn on. He smirked and slowly pulled them down. I moaned while being impatient with him, causing him to chuckle.

"You're so impatient, babe~ Let me take my time~ I haven't got to do this for a while and I plan to make it the best sex you've ever experienced~"

I gulped and my eyes widened. Is... Is he planning to... T-t-top-p-p..????? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!

"K-Keith?! Are you p-planning to-!"

"You know it, sweetheart~"

I threw my head back and my eyes widened as he took me in his mouth. Damn, he's good! Oh my god!

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