CHAPTER 9: Secret Meetings

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~~~Lance's POV~~~

I woke late in the night gazing at the little bit of stars I could see through the thick trees. Keith was nuzzled close to me and lightly purring in his sleep. I smiled down at him and pet his soft hair. Even after what we just did, he still looks beautiful with his hair sticking in every direction. I kissed his head, earning a hum in return. I went back to stargazing when I could hear something. It sounded like voices and footsteps through the brush. I quickly sat up and shook Keith awake.

"What's wrong, Lance..? I'm really tired and don't need to be woken up like tha-"

I placed my hand over his mouth and shushed him.

"I can hear some people in the distance. You gotta be quiet." He looked toward the trees and nodded. I took my hand from his mouth and stood to me feet. Keith tried to stand, but fell right back down. Crap, I hurt him bad...

"Sh*t, f*ck, dammit! Why does this have to happen at such a crucial time!"

"Shut up, Keith! They're going to hear you!"

"I'm sorry, just my ass is killing me!"

"Shut up, Keith!!!" I was blushing hard and super frustrated that he was just shouting that for the whole f*cking world to hear! I helped him up and carried him on my shoulder to a well hidden area in the foliage. We hid there as the strangers appeared from the other side of the opening. It was members of the Garrison. I was relieved, sad and scared that they were here. If they find Keith, I don't know what will happen... Hunk was with the group and I got an idea. That idea had to be put on pause when one of the members there picked up my helmet. They know I'm near now, great. I looked around where Keith and I were for some pebbles to throw at Hunk.

"What are you doing, Lance?"

"Making a plan, now shush." He grumbled, but listened. I gathered enough rocks and took aim. I threw a few of the pebbles towards the opposite direction of us and waited for the guys to move that way. When all were turned, I threw a rock at Hunk and hit him in the back. He rubbed his back and looked in our direction. I made some bird calls that Hunk and I would use to communicate our position and status if we were in enemy territory. He immediately looked around at the others, then snuck over to us.

"What the f*ck are you doing?! You're giving us away!"

*"Oh Dios mío, shut up, Keith! It's Hunk! We'll be fine!" Keith finally shut up when he remembered Hunk. Sheesh, finally... Hunk took one last glance before going into the bushes.

"Lance? Where are you? Why are you hiding?"

"Over here, Hunk. Try to be quiet. I don't want the others to find us."

"Wait, who's us- Oh my gosh... Why are you with Red, Lance..?"

"It's Keith, Hunk. He's been Red this entire time." Keith seemed a little shy when Hunk tried to hug him out of excitement, but he returned it otherwise. I smiled at the two as they chatted for a bit.

"So, what are you guys doing here? Was Kieth the one to grab you?"

"No, Lily- Death was the one who got to me before Black and Keith."

"Death's the one that caught you?! How are you alive?!"

"Shush, Hunk. Lily isn't bad. She wouldn't hurt Lance even if her life was on the line. She doesn't even like that we're having this war in the first place."

"So, her name's Lily? I like that. That's much better than Death."

Keith laughed at Hunk and we all joined in. After Keith and Hunk talked for a little more, Hunk and I helped Keith to a safer area where he could fly home. That took some effort from Keith and luckily Hunk thought Keith was just injured from fighting. If only he knew. When Hunk turned to make sure the coast was clear, Keith surprised me with a quick kiss. I smiled giddily and hugged him. Hunk gave us the thumbs up and Keith was gone. Hunk and I found the group and headed back to the Garrison. On our way back, Hunk noticed one of the marks Keith had left and it made me so embarrassed.

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