CHAPTER 17: Sides

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~~~Lance's POV~~~

"I can't f*cking believe it!!!"

"What Pidge?! What is is?! Why are you freaking out so much?!"

"You got to be kidding me!!! It's such a f*cking common thing, too!!!"

"Pidge, what?!"

"It has to be one of the most annoying things to get, too! Stupid, f*cking Galra making everything so difficult!!!"

"Pidge!" I grabbed her shoulders and made her face me. She continued to mumble angrily and I flicked her forehead.

"What the quiznak, dude?! What you do that for?!"

"I've been trying to talk to you for the past five minutes! What in the world is the last thing we need to make an antivenin?! You said it's common, but also annoying to obtain. Is it dangerous?" She stared at the floor, pouting her lip. She then walked over to her monetor and beckoned me over. I went over and just stared at the words on the screen.

"Am I supposed to know what the quiznak these words mean? I'm not a scientist, Pidge."

"You were wanting to be one though from what I've heard."

"Well, yeah, but this war happened, so that dream is being put on hold. Anyway, what is it? We need to hurry up and make an antivenin before the effects on Keith get worse or become permanent."

"Ugh, fine, fine. It would make it so much easier if you knew these, but oh well. Anyway, the venom we need to reverse the effects on Keith is from the Vespula sp."

"The what now?" I furrowed my brow and tilted my head.

"Yeah, you lost me there too, Pidge."

Hunk looked as confused as I was and Pidge just hit her head on the desk.

"Do you guys have like zero knowledge of insects?"

"Well, excuuuse me smarty pants, but we're not all edimicated like some people."

"What the hell word is 'edimicated?'"

"Oh my- Just forget it and talk normal to us! No big words!"

"Can't believe you of all people would say that, Lance. You do know that birds can have some of the longest, most difficult scientific/Latin names of all species and you know almost all of them by heart, right?"

"S-shut up, Hunk!"

"Alright, enough bickering you three. Pidge, just tell them."

Allura piped up and thank goodness she did, or there was going to be some mean words being said.

"Whatever... Anyway, in words that your little minds can understand; Vespula sp means: Yellow Jacket. The biggest assholes of the wasp family."

"Wait, hold the phone. We have to get bee venom?"

"Wasp venom, Hunk."

"Yeah, whatever. But, we have to get that? Why is that such a problem?"

Pidge's face was priceless with the look of being done with everything she had. I wanted to laugh my brains out so bad, but this was a serious moment. Nah, scratch that. Totally good time to laugh. Pidge looked ready to start swinging and almost did when Allura stepped between us and pointed at Keith who was breathing a bit faster than normal.

"This is not the time for child's play! He is in critical condition and we don't know the extent of danger he's in! He could be close to death for all we know and you're all yelling at each other when you could be out there getting the things we need to help him! Now, are you three done or do I need to bring in Coran?"

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