CHAPTER 18: Glowing Violet

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit short. Please don't hate me.

~~~Shiro's POV~~~

Is this just how it's going to go everytime we get Keith back? He's going to recover from any injury then be taken away again? I'm sick of this! And now he's fighting on the enemies side! I smashed my hand down on the table, scaring the others around it. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and apologized to the others.

"We need to figure out how to get him back. He's going to be a strong ally to the Galra if we don't do something quickly."

"Yeah, but how, Allura? He's not going to be the easiest person to catch, you know. He's gotten much stronger from that serum. He put Lily, our best fighter, in critical condition! Who knows when we'll have her back to fighting! Besides, I don't even thing Lily will want to fight since Keith killed her-!"

"Katie!" She flinched as I yelled at her and it made me sad to do that, but Lily ordered us to keep it secret; even from Kai. Though, I think he has a right to know, but that might make him do irrational things.

"Look, guys. We need to think this mission over more carefully than we've done with any of the others. Though we want to get Keith back safely without much conflict or injury, he will not hesitate to strike us down. We need to inject the antivenin in him without him knowing. Preferably during battle when he's distracted."

"We should make an attack before he has the chance to get fully acquainted with the Galra. We should just go for it!"

"Lance, Shiro said to-"

Hunk was cut off from Lance.

"Keith is going to try to kill us no matter what! People are going to get injured, there's no question about it! We can't try to be gentle this time! If we're wanting to get Keith back, we have to treat him as the enemy! We're going to have to hurt him... I don't like this as much as any of you, but this is the only way..."

"Lance... I think there could be another way... We could just try to talk to him and maybe he'll-" Lance cut me off this time and I could feel the hurt in his voice.

"He tried to kill you, Shiro! He tried to kill Lily! We tried talking to him and he didn't listen! You heard what Galra Keith had to say; Keith's body is a shell! Keith isn't there anymore, unless we can get the antivenin in his system! I don't want to hurt him, but I want my Keith back; our Keith!"

Lance tried his hardest to hold in his emotions, but they just came all at once. Katie hugged him and Hunk rubbed his back while Lance let waterfalls flow. I rubbed my face and sighed. He's right... We have to treat Keith as the enemy now... Why does everything go wrong for him..? He doesn't deserve this...

"Fine... We'll do it your way, Lance... What do you have planned?"

"Okay... Here's what I think we should do..."

It went wrong. So horribly wrong. Everything that could've went bad happened. So many lives lost on both sides and they kept going. This fight has been going on for far too long and doesn't look like it'll be stopping anytime soon. Voltron is still going strong, but we're getting tired and the Galra soldiers just keep coming. I'm at my wit's end and don't know how much longer I can go. My muscles and wings ache, my wounds sting, my breath is short, my energy is on it last few ounces and I have an awful pain in my back; needle like. Now I'm grasping for air, my wings are on fire, electricity attacks my muscles, my vision's blurry; everything hurts.

"Welcome home, Shiro~"

~~~Lance's POV~~~

We don't stand a chance now. My plan failed miserably and I failed my friends. So many were killed. Some were taken hostage, but worst of all, Shiro was taken. Two of our best fighters, our friends, are serving Zarkon and it's my fault. If I'd been faster about getting the cure to Keith, we wouldn't be in this situation. If I'd covered Shiro's back, he wouldn't have been changed. More people are dying now and it's all my fault.

I dodged out of the way as I fought Keith. He's just starting to show signs of being tired, but I'm running on fumes. I was too slow to react and Keith got a hit on my arm. I shouted in pain and I could feel blood run down it. I flew around and spun to dodge multiple attacks, but Keith caught up and swiped at my arm again. I took out my gun and got him in the shoulder, Keith shouting in pain. I went to get another hit on Keith, but Shiro knocked the crap out of me! I went in a nosedive and caught myself before I hit a jet flying in the air. F*ck! These guys are f*cking kicking our asses!

"Guys! We need to fall back! We're not going to make it at this rate!" Pidge swooped in and took down Shiro for the meantime.

"No, Lance! We have to do this now! Get the antivenin in Keith while I get Shiro! Do it quickly! We don't have that much energy left!"

Pidge took off toward the falling Shiro and I looked around for Keith. I spotted him chasing down Kai with a terrifying smile. Kai was bleeding pretty bad, but I don't know from where. As quickly as I could, I chased after them and halted Keith by clipping some feathers with my gun.

"Keith, please stop! Snap out of it!"

"Tsk, tsk~ You know he can't hear you, Lance~ You should just give up on him~ You have before, so why not just do it for good~?"

"W-what do you mean..? I've never given up on him..!"

"Don't kid yourself~ You gave up on him when he didn't return from migration for so long~ You gave up on him when he disappeared into Galra for that long period of time; thought he died in there~ You even gave up on your dream of becoming an Ornithologist just so you could join this war~ You didn't have to, you know~ You weren't required to join~ You were allowed to stay home and enjoy life with your family~"

"I-I know that, but I joined so I could have the chance to see Keith! How do you know about that?!"

"I have my ways, but was it really worth it~? He's caused you nothing but grief and trouble~ I'm surprised you haven't dumped his ass for someone better yet~"

"Of course he's worth it! And don't talk about him like that! I would never leave him! You don't know how painful it was to be kept away from the one you love for years without knowing how they were or if they were okay! I never gave up on Keith; never regretted falling in love with him! So you can just take your bullsh*t and shove it up your ass!" He just blinked at me with those bright yellow eyes, not moving from his spot. I huffed from my yelling and flinched when Keith began to laugh maniacally.

"You're a dumb sh*t, you know that~?! You should've retreated while I gave you the chance~! Now you're going to be gone for good~! So long, Lance~!"

After he said my name, I lurched forward and imbedded the needle of the antivenin in his arm. He yelped and pulled the needed out, growling at me. I smirked, but it faltered when all I could feel was the loss of something. Something that was very important in my life. I looked down to see a glowing purple hand coming out of my chest, holding something in its grip. It beat a rhythm I knew so well, but slower. The glowing hand squeezed the pumping mass until it was no more. I looked up to Keith, feeling blood dribble down my chin. Though I didn't like seeing him sad, I got to see my Keith before everything went black and I felt like in free fall. No more pain, no more sadness. I got to see my love before I take a nap for a bit. I feel very tired and the wind blowing on me and the sun warming me up feels so good. Just wait for me Keith. I'll wake up soon. I promise.

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