Before Everything (Part 2)

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"Come on now, Faith. You're not stupid." Tim said and she started pacing. "Yes, I am. I knew he was gonna hurt me but I didn't back away." Faith said with tears flowing down her cheeks. Tim grabbed Faith's arm and pulled her in for a hug. "Faith, don't do this to yourself. You can't blame yourself for this, it's all his fault. He couldn't see what a great lady he already had." He said and Faith couldn't say anything, she just cried to his chest. Tim took her hand and walked with her to her bus. "Now, you just go inside and get some rest." Tim said and opened the door for her. "Please come with me inside, I don't wanna be alone." She said and wiped her tears. He wasn't sure if he should but he knew he couldn't say no. She walked inside the bus and he followed, closing the door behind them. Tim sat down on the couch and Faith went into her room and changed into sweats. Tim could see into her room and couldn't help but stare at her. When she turned around to walk back to him he looked to the other end of the bus. Faith walked to him and sat down next to him. "Sorry you had to see all that." She said and he shook his head. "No need to apologize. I'm glad I was there." He looked at her and she wiped her tears. "I'm sorry, I'm a mess." Faith said and Tim chuckled. "Faith, you don't have to apologize." He said staring at her. At that moment he realized that the most beautiful girl in the world was sitting right there in front of him. He wanted to lean in and kiss her but he knew he couldn't, it was too soon.

"This might be too much to ask but could you spend the night in my bus, I just can't even think about being alone." Faith said and looked at Tim with puppy dog eyes. "No, it's fine. I'll just run to my bus and get ready, I'll try to be quick... If that's okay?" He said and she nodded. "Yes, of course you can." She smiled slightly and he stood up. "I'll be right back." He said and walked to his bus. He got in and went to his room. He sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. He thought back on the last few weeks and realized he had felt a lot happier after he met Faith. He was happy with Caroline at first but then it just somehow went away but now with Faith, it was different, he didn't know how or what was happening but he sure was happy it was. He changed his clothes and brushed his teeth.

Tim walked to the bus and heard some noise coming from Faith's bus. He ran inside and saw Scott punching Faith. Tim jumped at him and pushed him off of her then Scott got up and tried to punch Tim but he wasn't quick enough and Tim dodged his fist. He took a quick look at Faith and she had tears running down her cheeks and she was holding her cheek. Tim got so angry seeing her like that he pushed Scott so he fell to the floor and punched him over and over again. "Tim, stop!" Faith said and he stopped but held him down. "You do not ever touch a woman like that. You don't hurt a woman like that and you certainly don't cheat on a wonderful woman like that." Tim said and looked at Faith. "Call the cops." Faith nodded and grabbed her phone. "A whore like that deserves to be punched and cheated on. She's no good and she ain't even talented." Scott said and Tim's face got bright red with anger. Tim punched him again, hard and Scott winced in pain. Soon the police arrived and they took Scott. Tim was furious but he was proud that he could save her from him, he couldn't save his mother from an abusive man but he could save Faith from one and that made him kind of proud. Tim went to Faith's bus again after having to talk to the police about what had happened. He looked around and saw Faith looking out the window, holding a cold can of coke to her face. "They're gone, I asked them to talk to you later, I figured you might need some time to yourself..." Tim said walking closer to Faith and putting his hand carefully on hers. She pulled her hand away and wrapped her arm quickly around his neck and kissed him deeply. Tim figured he should probably pull away but he couldn't. He had wanted this for so long and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Faith pulled away and looked at his face trying to read his face. Tim leaned back in and Faith kissed him again. She pulled away and held his hand, walking towards her room in the back of the bus. She pulled him to her and kissed him again. "Are you sure?" Tim said as Faith pulled his shirt up slightly. "Absolutely. I've wanted this for a long time." Faith said and Tim smiled, finally knowing she felt the same way.

Faith rolled off of Tim and they were both out of breath. They were both speechless and so amazed by the things they had done to each other. "That was... wow." Faith said and looked at Tim and he looked at her smiling. "I agree." He said and she smiled, propping herself up on her elbow and kissing him deeply. "I love you..." Tim said against her lips and immediately regretted it because he was sure she wasn't ready for this. "I've loved you for a long time." He continued and the feeling went away as he saw the huge smile on Faith's face. "I love you too, Tim."

A/N: because i haven't been posting much lately i decided to post two chapters :) i hope you like them.

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