Heart beats fast

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Faith felt her heart drop down to her stomach. She felt a paralyzing fear and she felt like crying but instead she ran as fast as she could to the side of the stage. She had been in her dressing room fixing her makeup when a member of the crew came in and told her Tim had collapsed on stage. 

Faith wasn't much of a runner, she never had been. Tim went out for a run every now and then but never managed to drag her with him. She hated running. But when she needed to, she ran fast, ran like the devil was on her heels. She rushed to Tim's side as the crew was carrying him off.  "What happened to him, what's wrong?" Faith asked as they put him down. "He collapsed but we don't know the cause, the ambulance is on its way." Faith felt the tears in her eyes, he wasn't moving but he could see his chest rise and fall. Her mind went to the worst place, she needed him to be okay. Tim opened his eyes slightly. "Wha- What happened?" He said slowly and tried to sit up. "No, no lay down, the ambulance is on his way." Faith said and held his hand. "You passed out, baby and we're gonna get you to the hospital and make sure you're okay." Tim nodded and Faith wiped the sweat off Tim's forehead. "It was really hot up there." Tim said and closed his eyes. "I know babe, that was probably it." She said and kissed his head. EJ handed Faith a water bottle to give to Tim. "Here, baby, drink this." Faith said as Tim sat up, he drank it for her and took a deep breath. "I'm fine now, Faith, lets finish the show." Tim said and sat up. He felt a little dizzy but nothing severe. "No, you are not." She said with her hands on her hips. "Not until the paramedics get here and tell me if it's okay." 

After a few minutes the paramedics arrived and checked on Tim, Faith stood besides him and held his hand. "It's most likely just dehydration, it's very hot here in Ireland and also very hot under those bright lights." One of them said. "I think it's best if you come with us to the hospital to get tested further so we can be absolutely sure." Faith nodded and looked at her husband, she could tell he wasn't happy about this, she knew he just wanted to continue the show. "I'll come with you, Tim." She said and Tim shook his head. "Faith you need to finish the show, if I can't someone has to." He said and looked down. "No, honey, I am not going to finish it without you, and I really don't feel like performing right now, as much as I want to please our fans. You are more important." She said and Tim nodded.  Faith's manager walked to her. "Faith, we think that you should do a couple of songs more so the crowd gets their money's worth. "I'm sorry but I don't think I have it in me to sing any songs right now... I'll go out there and apologize and explain the situation." Faith looked at Tim then back at Jason. "Okay, lets get the band together and do one song acoustically and then I'm going with my husband to the hospital. Can someone get the bag in my dressing room and my purse so that I can change later?" She turned to Tim and kissed him softly. "I'll be right with you, baby." She walked off and onto the stage with the band.

The paramedics put Tim in the ambulance and drove to the nearest hospital. He was scared and thought of all the worst things. 

What if it's much worse than they think? 

What if I don't get to see my family again?

What if... I die?

He knew deep down that those thoughts were only making him feel worse but he couldn't help it, he just wanted Faith there besides him, making sure he was okay.

Faith walked off the stage with the band and rushed out to a car that was taking her to the hospital. The drive only took about 7 minutes but to her it felt like hours. She wanted nothing more but to hold her husband's hand and tell him everything will be okay, because she knew he needed it. They arrived and Faith ran inside with her things. That incredibly short dress was not a good idea at all, not at this time. She went to the front desk and waited for a nurse to arrive. "I'm looking for my husband, Tim McGraw." She said slightly out of breath. "He's in  the examination room right around the corner." The nurse said and Faith went looking for it, she found it and opened the door. Tim was there with a doctor and a few nurses. Faith took a deep breath and smiled, walking to him. "You're here." Tim said with a smile. "I am." She kissed his head and held his hand. "Is he okay?" The doctor looked at her and nodded. "Just dehydration. He hadn't been drinking enough water throughout the day and it's very hot here in Dublin now, that and the heat onstage don't go well together." He said and Faith smiled slightly. "I'm so glad you're okay." She said kissing him.  "You can go to your hotel whenever you are ready, just make sure to take it easy and drink fluids." The doctor said and Faith smiled. "I'll make sure he does, thank you doctor." The doctor nodded and left with the nurses. "I'm gonna change into something more comfortable." Faith said and changed. She looked at Tim, he looked pale but not as pale as before, he seemed to be getting better. She walked between his legs and put her arms around his waist, pulling him close to her. He put his arms around her and held her tightly. She put her head to his chest and tears started running down her face, she had been so scared and now that things had calmed down, she couldn't keep it in any longer. Tim kissed her head and rubbed her head. "I was so scared, Tim." She looked up and there were tears running down her cheeks. "I was terrified of losing you. I thought this was the end, it wasn't a rational thought but I didn't know... I can't lose you, baby, I can't..." She said and sobbed. Tim pulled her in closer and held her tight. "I'm here baby, I'm fine. I ain't going anywhere." He said and rocked her side to side. Faith looked into his eyes and kissed him deeply, like she never wanted to let him go. "Lets go to the hotel and lets go home tomorrow." He said wiping her tears away and smiling.

A/N: It's been a while since i wrote something so i apologize if it's awful but i tried :) I hope you like it and please comment what you think! also, if you have any ideas for a one shot please send me some :) 

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