Time in a Bottle

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The Coco Cabana Coffee Shop was a warm and cozy little place to be, the walls a golden color of the sun and the people inside that worked there just as friendly and peaceful as can be, greeting people with a smile and a hug. Outside of the shop, business and non-regular attendants viewed the place as Hippietown, USA, the people inside selling various concoctions that may or may not make the skin healthier and insides cleaned of all toxins and also having some clientele that dabbled in drugs and acid. Whatever stuff they were selling, they didn't want any part of it. But to Carlos, the coffee shop on the corner was Babyville, USA.

Every time that Carlos would walk in, there would be children playing in the little designated Kid Corner of all different sizes and genders. And Carlos would join in with them, picking up dolls and joining in on the roleplay and pretend to be the prince that rescued the princess or the race car driver winning the big race or the talking dog that gave the children piggy back rides all over the coffee shop. He couldn't help himself, he absolutely loved children.

"Kendall still not coming in today?" Camille asked with tinge of concern in her voice. It had been a couple of weeks since Kendall's drunk adventure at the Casablanca and the blond still wasn't making much of an improvement. He was sluggish and vomiting more than ever, the slightest scent of something foul turning his stomach inside out. Carlos, being the naturally kind person, decided to take over Kendall's shift until he was able to get better. Of course, whenever the regular couple came in to order their usual drinks, Carlos had to stop and talk to them. They didn't mind the Latino's curious questions about pregnancy and parenting, everyone else was just a little annoyed that they weren't getting their drinks on time.

Carlos nodded, tying on Kendall's brown apron and the straps hanging off of his shoulders. "I'm thinking about taking him to a doctor or something. What if he got alcohol poisoning or something like that?"

"I'm sure it's stress from the 'Jo' thing," Camille said and Carlos nodded. Kendall has been known to make himself sick over the littlest things. And Carlos thought he was the over emotional one in the friendship. A blond stepped in beside Camille, placing down two cups of steaming tea.

"Take these to table 9, Carlitos," the blond said with a toothy grin and Camille nudged him.

"Don't overwork him, Mason. He doesn't even have a job here,"

"Hey, he's wearing the apron, he works here," Mason said with a simple shrug and then patted Camille's stomach, "besides, don't want you working and stressing out the ba-"

Camille socked him straight into the stomach and Mason doubled over in pain, clutching onto his stomach. He glanced up at the brunette and groaned. "Right, do what you want," he coughed out and went over to get some more coffee cups. Carlos stared at the girl with a curious look and Camille pushed the tray over to him.

"Well, take it over to table 9," she said and quickly walked off. Carlos pondered and then shrugged. He wasn't there to wonder about the relationship between the dramatic Camille and the someone ditzy Mason, he was here to help Kendall out by working. And to see if the couple was going to come inside again. The door rang open as Carlos sat the tray down and he turned quickly, smile bright on his face. Then the smiled dimmed slightly, watching as a man and a woman walked inside and glancing around the coffee shop. They both took a seat near the window and continued the conversation they must have been having outside. Carlos pouted, when was that couple coming?

The man glanced over at Carlos and beckoned him over, Carlos walking over and giving a friendly wave. The man raised an eyebrow and the woman smiled.

"Yes, get me a Macchiato with extra cocoa shavings, an almond glazed muffin and a Miami Vice," the man said and returned to his conversation. Carlos stood, watching with a confused expression. He didn't even know if they even had those things on the menu. He didn't even know what some of those things were. So he slowly made his way over to the counter, Mason playing with the bell.

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