Brass Monkey

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Before anyone says that I am copying BlowYourSpeakers 'Fight For All The Wrong Reasons', it's all a big missunderstanding that is hopefully sorted out. I was the original writer of that story on Fanfiction and I am reposting it here under it's real name and titles. Please do not get angry at her, it was all a missunderstanding. But I do hope you still enjoy anyways.


"Turn that garbage off now," James hissed into the pillow, trying to block out the message the television was spewing through the speakers. Logan rolled his eyes and picked up the remote lying next to the distraught male and clicked the television off and he glanced at James.

"You know, you can't avoid this forever," Logan said and James stuck his head up from the pillow, glaring at his agent. James Diamond was perfect, he was the hottest celebrity that no one could compare to, his music was at the top of the charts and in the headphones of every single teen and young adult across America and everything was going perfect for him.

Until his bastard of a boyfriend publicly humiliated him by dumping him before the RCM Awards.

And not only did his boyfriend left him flat on his ass like a total idiot in front of all the paparazzi, the next few singles from James were dipping lower and lower in the charts and no one was offering him any guest spots or appearances. Basically, his life of fame and fortune was beginning to spiral downwards.

And it's all Jett Stetson's fault. The bastard.

James continued to glare at the TV as if it was still talking about the news that Jett had another darling clinging onto his arm and how they were such a cute couple and other junk that made James absolutely sick to his stomach. Logan sat down at the foot of the bed, watching the brunette closely.

"Look, you need to show that you're over this. Find someone new, have a kid or something," Logan suggested and James glanced down at his stomach. Having a baby? Ew, there was no way he was going to ruin this body by getting all fat and suffering backaches. Besides, having a kid meant that he would need to pay for schooling and clothes and have to change diapers. That wasn't the life for him. Otherwise, he would have already been popping out babies.

"You know, I am over this. I'm just a little bit pissed that he would dump me for someone like her. I mean, did you see her? She has a rat face,"

"Well that was rude,"

"Don't act like you wouldn't say the same thing if you were in my position," James grumbled and flopped over in his bed again. Logan rolled his eyes and stood up, flipping a cell phone out of his pocket.

"Well if you're not going to try and get out of the house, I'll try and land you a guest spot on some show or something. You said you always wanted to go into the acting field, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going out tonight," James mumbled, slipping from underneath the sheets and Logan gave him a weary look.

"Please don't do something stupid. If the paparazzi catches you drunk or worse. . ."

"Worse like what?"

"DUI, passed out on the street. . .knocked up,"

"Please. I'm not going to do something stupid like that," James scoffed, getting out from the covers and stretched his arms over his head. Logan paused, watching him closely and then sighed. He stepped out of the bedroom, most likely going off to his car to save the career of James Diamond while James Diamond grabbed the remote and turned the TV on once more. The story was still talking about Jett and his new role in a television series with the girl still hanging onto his arm as if he would leave any second. James frowned and turned the sound off.

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