Part Six~

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Soon after, a guard who Faelwen had only seen once when Thranduil had ordered Tauriel before him, was to keep watch. "Hi!" Greeted the girl. "My name's Crÿthian. Melhonin thought you might be lonely and that since I'm on duty more than he is, you might want someone else for company."

Faelwen seemed surprised at her friendliness, "Hello..." She greeted. "Well I don't really need any company, but thank you."

"That's okay." The girl seemed a little disappointed, but her face changed to a bright and cheerful expression. "If you get lonely, you can talk to me at any time." With that, the girl sat down and started sharpening her knife.

"Okay then..." Faelwen muttered to herself. At a new found realization, she lifted her head. This elleth could be her ticket out of there! She stood up and neared the bars, "Actually, I would enjoy some company." She smiled, trying to sound sincere.

"Okay! Since I know stuff about you, I'll tell you a little about myself, if you want." Crÿthian instantly answered.

" sure does spread fast around here." Faelwen noted, "Well, go ahead." She smiled.

"Okay. My name is Crÿthian, I am six hundred and fifty years old and my father works as an adviser to the king. I have lived here all my life, my mother died while giving birth to me and my favorite color is blue." The girl took a deep breath then said, "Okay. Now your turn."

Faelwen's jaw dropped, "'re six hundred and fifty?"

"Yup! And King Thranduil is over five thousand years old." The girl blushed. "Don't tell anyone I told you that. I don't even remember who told me that. Any way I'm still really young to be a guard, cause I'm still only a child by our eyes."

"Ah...I see." Faelwen stretched her legs and stood up, walking over to the door. She leaned against it, arms through the bars.

"I'll tell you a secret, but you can't tell anyone, okay?" The girl seemed a little embarrassed.

"Uh...sure. Go ahead." Faelwen was satisfied not to have to dispel any personal information and just let the elleth talk.

"Promise?" She asked.


"Okay. I am-" She did not get to finish her sentence.

Right then, Thranduil and Tauriel came down the stairs behind them. "Crÿthian!" Exclaimed Thranduil. "What have I told you about that. It's not safe."

Crÿthian looked crestfallen. She turned her back on Faelwen and ran into Thranduil's open arms. Crÿthian started crying. "I'm sorry!" She sobbed.

"It's okay. I'm glad that it was not revealed. Tauriel." He said softly. "I want you to take her place." Then he and Crÿthian walked away and Tauriel was stuck on duty. Tauriel rolled her eyes. It was just like Crÿthian to give away secrets. She sat down and leaned against the wall next to the prison. Faelwen huffed inside, she had been so close to escaping. Stupid king! Tauriel looked at the prisoner and rolled her eyes at Faelwen.

"Is Crÿthian his...daughter?" Faelwen asked. Tauriel ignored her and looked straight ahead. Faelwen smiled, satisfied, "So she is..." She mused. Faelwen quietly laughed, "Foolish girl, she's an open book."

"She isn't." Tauriel said. "But for once, I agree with you. She does talk too easily."

Faelwen openly laughed, "Oh really? It is an easy deduction. Especially since I was witness to how he treated her. You are a fool to lie."

"Do not think I am so petty to lie, human." Tauriel flashed anger.

"Too late." Faelwen mocked, "I am no fool."

"It seems you are, though." Tauriel smirked.

Faelwen just smiled, not taking the bait. "Stupid elf." She muttered.

Tauriel rolled her eyes, frustratedly. "You know, if you just told us what we wanted to know you could leave..." She raised an eyebrow at Faelwen. "Why not?" Tauriel asked.

"Because your king is nosy and it does not concern him." Faelwen answered simply.

"It does concern us though." Tauriel told her, "You could be a spy. And we can't let spies just escape." She smirked. "If you won't tell us, then you will just rot in here." She grinned. "You will age and die and we will remain unchanged."

Faelwen scowled, "You think it's funny, don't you? Well let me tell you this, when I get out, and I will, I will kill you with no remorse. You may think that you can just taunt me because I'm in here and you're not, but I will escape." She ended with a mocking grin.

"How?" Tauriel asked smugly.

"Just wait and see." Faelwen gripped the bars, stretching her muscles. Tauriel stood up and took a step back. She was sure that the girl would fulfill her promise if she got the chance.

The young human just smirked, "I guess you can tell I'm not bluffing, elf." She spat the last word.

Tauriel ignored her.

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