SC: 7

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Cyrus Parnell
Brooklyn, New York
4:59 P.M
April 28th, 2011

I walked around the fashion show pre party conversing with different people. The crowd here was the usual snobby and rich. Each time I tried to escape one conversation I was pulled into another. I scanned around the room looking for Elian hoping he would be a welcome distraction. My attraction towards him has grown over the last few hours. He has this boyish charm to him that I like to be around.

I sneak away from the previous babble going in front of me. When I turn around I am faced with my mother. " Dammit. " I mumble lowly as she walks up to me.

" Cyrus where have you been? " She said, wagging her finger in my face.

I moved back a bit dodging her pointing finger. " I told you earlier where I was. "

" You told me you were out shopping. " She crosses her arms. " What do you have an assistant for if you had to do these things for yourself? "

" I don't need my assistant to wipe my behind for me Ma. " I retort, suggestively. " You should allow me room to breathe. "

" I think you were running around with some young tramp. " She says, side eyeing me. " You should focus on Leila. She's a sweet girl. "

And there is the mother I know best. The sneaky, manipulative one. " I wasn't running around with anyone. Leila is a sweet girl, but she isn't my type. "

She looks at me questionably. " I wasn't asking you to talk to her Cyrus. Her family could help you. I was telling you. "

I chuckle a bit taking a glass of wine from the tray of the waiter passing us. " We'll see how well I'll listen. " I raise my glass to her taking a sip.

" You... " She started but was interrupted by someone tapping her shoulder. She turned around greeting someone with a hug. " I'm so glad you could make it! "

I stood looking around for Elian again. The conversation wasn't really pertaining to me, so i tried I walk off but mom grabbed my arm pulling me back..

" Yes! You know my Cyrus had to get himself a new assistant. Matter of fact where is your assistant Cyrus? " She turns to ask me.

I take another sip of the wine looking around. " Um. I came alone. You will meet soon. "

" This is why I should've chosen this person. Good help is so hard to find. " She chuckled in a snobby manner.

I look spotting Elian standing near the finger foods table. " Ma. I will be right back. I'm going to go mingle! "

" Okay. I'll come find you before the show starts. " She says, waving me off.

I go over towards the table creeping up behind him. He was eating the pineapple slices like they were the best thing on the platter. I slammed my hands on his shoulder causing him to jump. He dropped his phone on the table, and turned around to scowl at me. When he realized it was me who scared him he punched me on my chest.

" Why would you do that? " He fumed, turning to pick up his phone.

" Aww I'm sorry. Did I scare you? " I ask, playfully tickling his sides.

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