SC: 5

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Cyrus Parnell
Bed Stuy, New York
4:12 P.M
April 21st, 2011

" Where are you Cyrus? You had a meeting with some execs today. " Mom ranted on the other end of the phone.

" I told you I'm meeting with a potential candidate to be my assistant today. " I replied, reminding her yet again of things I'm doing that she chooses not to remember.

" You could've held off on that. " She sasses. " You have more important things to be doing other than meeting with jobless heathens. "

I refused to even reply to that statement. " You're the one that suggested I get an assistant, and I am doing so. "

" I never said you could go searching without me! " She hissed.

" I didn't feel like I needed you to be here. I can search for my own assistant. " I retorted.

" I just don't trust your judgement with people. Whoever you choose I need to approve of them. " She orders, causing my face to scrunch up.

" Yeah sure you do. " I look up seeing Elian walk through the door. I place my hand over my mouth to refrain from laughing at his outfit.

" Cyrus do you hear me? " Mom scolded.

" Look I have to go. Talk to you later. " I hang up the phone standing up, and waving Elian over to the table. He looks in my direction, and marches over. I stand to my feet looking him over, and holding back my stifled laughter.

He approached me holding a black folder in his hands, he had on a dress shirt with some blue jeans, and some nice shoes. When I told him that he was coming for an interview he went all out. I had to wait to clear my schedule up, but I'm glad today I could finally see him. I liked his professionalism. I was expecting him to be a bit more lax.

" How are you today? " He asked, holding out his hand, as I took a firm grip on it.

" I'm doing great! And yourself? " I reply shaking his hand.

" Wonderful. " He uttered, nervously. I could sense he was little uptight.

" Please have a seat. " I motion as we both took a seat at the table. He sat across from me looking around uneasy. I intertwined my hands together trying not to creep him out. " So how old are you? Tell me about you. " I ask, breaking the silence haunting us.

" I'm 21 years old. I've always had an eye for fashion. I started sewing when I was twelve, and learned a lot from watching my mother. Over time I just grew to fall in love with designing. I actually brought you some of my work so you could see for yourself... " He opened up his black folder sliding it over to me. " I think you'll really love... "

Boy he is really chatty. " Elian... " I raise my hand for him to stop talking. He does so fixing his posture in his chair. " You can relax a little. I'm not in a rush to go anywhere. I've already seen what you can do. "

His shoulders slump over as he sits back. " That's a relief. This was my first opportunity at another position with someone after being told no so many times. "

" I understand that. Don't worry you already got the job kid. This is me more so feeling you out a little more. "

" I can see that much. " He shrugs, amused. " What do you want to know?"

I smirk sitting back in my seat. " How did you manage to start working for Veronica? "

He looked off vexingly. " I started off as an Intern when I was in high school. Career day came around and she liked my work. I was recruited by her team, and worked my way up to her. That obviously didn't mean anything to her because she fired me without a second thought. "

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