SC: 13

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Cyrus Parnell
En Route JFK Airport
9:16 A.M
June 3, 2011

I watched as Amber and Elian said their final goodbyes. Jesup and I loaded the last of his bags into the back of the truck. Once they were packed in nicely with mines we closed the trunk preparing to leave. I wasn't going to be rude and interrupt. I just continued to monitor the time as they conversed. I know it's difficult for him to uproot his life to come with me..

When he said yes to my offer I was excited. He wouldn't have to worry about much because I had his back. Fate brought us together and I refused to leave without him. He and Amber began to walk towards the truck. I pulled out my phone making it seem like I wasn't in a major rush to leave. They stopped in front of of me as I looked up.

" You make sure to take care of my friend Cyrus. " Amber directs, poking me in my chest.

" I promise. " I smiled looking at Elian as he blushes turning his head.

" I'm going to miss you guys. " She said, opening her arms for a big hug from us. We both walked into her embrace. " Time flew by so fast. What are you going to do down there? " She pulls away asking Elian.

" I don't know you'll have to check in with this guy. " He points back to me as I laugh.

" I'll keep a watchful eye over him. If we want to make it we should get going. " I say, looking at my watch.

She rolls her eyes. " Was that your way of saying I talk to much? "

" Amber stop it. I'll call you when we land sis. " He hugs her once more as I hold open the door for him. " Tell Ahmir to take it easy. " I hop in the car shutting the door.

" I will. Don't forget about us. " She waves as we begin to pull off. Elian waves back from his side window turning back inside once we were out of sight. "

He sat back staring ahead like he was in deep thought. I knew this move was a big step for him, but I'm glad he was willing. I can no longer deny the inseparable bond we have formed with each other. I'll do everything I can in my power to give him the best. A part of me is afraid of making it official because I'm not sure where his headspace is.

I look over seeing tears falling from his eyes. He sniffles lowly as rainfall began to pound the windows. " You okay? " I ask placing my hand on his purposely.

He looked down at his hand sliding it away from mines slowly. " How am I going to adjust away from all of this? "

" I've got your back. You will be taken care of, and I won't just leave you hanging. As long as you keep open communication with me. " I explain, try to ease his skepticism.

" I hear you. " He nods, understandably

" Why did you say yes? " I question, turning slightly to my side on the door.

" What do you mean? " He replied, looking over at me.

" You had a choice on coming with me. Why did you say yes? "

He inhaled and exhales loudly. " I need a new start I guess. I would love I stay where I am, but my mom wanted me to start living for myself. I've become accustomed to you, and there is still so much I must learn. Right now I'm standing by your side. As you stood by mines. "

Hearing his explanation made me smile. I covered my mouth attempting to hide the boyish grin that crept upon my face. For once I genuinely felt a connection to someone else who'd understand me. " Ride or die right? "

" Are you going to use that each time a situation arises with us? " He chuckled.

" Maybe. " I held up my pinky waiting for him to take it.

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