SC: 17

3.9K 204 41

Cyrus Parnell
Jackson, Mississippi
10:23 A.M
June 18, 2011

My eyes shot open hearing the sounds of the front door closing. I looked beside me seeing Elian sleeping as peaceful as ever. My sight was blurred from the sudden light shining in my eyes. I could hear light movements, and I knew for sure someone was in the house. Footsteps began to sound off as they pressed on the stairs...

" Cyrus! " Mom called as my eyes widened. I frantically look over at Elian throwing the covers over his sleeping form. Mom bursts into the room catching me off guard. " Cyrus why does my home look a mess? Have you been partying all of this time? "

" Don't you knock? " I argue moving my body slightly in front of Elian's

She looks at me as if I already knew the answer. " No child I own all of the rooms in this home. I asked you a question. "

" It's 10 in the morning ma. I'll get to it later. " I tell her trying to converse her out of my room.

She begins to walk over to my bed. " You'll get to it now. You should consider cleaning this room as well. " She rants.

Elian slides his hand over towards me under the covers pinching my thigh causing me to hiss uncomfortably. Mom looks over at me suspiciously.

" What is going on with you? " She asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Nothing ma. I had an itch is all. Can you get out so I can put on some clothes! " I say, waving my hands towards the door.

" Be quick about it. " She says exiting my room.

Once she closes the door Elian throws the cover from his head. He was noticeably upset. He got out of the bed walking into the bathroom. I walked over to my door locking it before going into the bathroom with him. He stood brushing his teeth with a grimace. Well that's an ugly way to wake up. I join him brushing my teeth as well. I tried messing with him, but he wasn't having it from me.

" What's your problem now? " I ask wiping the paste from my mouth after I spit.

" I don't appreciate being woken up by your mother's loud ass voice. On top of that you holding my head up under some hot ass covers. " He scowled, walking into the closet to find some clothes.

" I didn't know they would be returning home today." I explain. " Nor did I know she would burst into my room. "

" Cyrus you are a grown ass man. Why am I still hiding from your mother? " He retorted. " I'm growing tired of it. "

" I am too. " I say as he eyes me. " I promise I'm going to tell her just be patient. Something's you have bring up at a good time. "

" If you say so dude. Get out so I can take a bath. " He says waving me off.

" I'll make it right. " I walk out of the bathroom going to my dresser grabbing a shirt. I put on the shirt, and head towards my door to go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen seeing Mom moving things around.

" Why is my kitchen so filthy? " She questions, with a grimace.

" Because that's probably how you left it. " I shrug. " Why did you guys decide to come back so early? "

" Well I didn't trust you enough to be here in my home alone. " She said, tossing an empty bowl into the sink.

" Mhm. " I walk out back seeing Dad looking at the pool. I walk down towards him as he's crouched down. " What you looking for? " I ask, upon approach.

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