SC: 25

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Cyrus Parnell
2:18 P.M
July 17, 2011

I walk outside seeing the afternoon sun shining over the pool water. I toss my towel over my shoulder opening the back door to go out. I shut the door seeing Amber laid out poolside in one of the chairs. I walk over laying my towel down. She had on sunglasses and was scrolling on her phone. I realized she and I had never really been alone with each other since she has been here..

She looks up at me lowering her sunglasses. " Hey, Cyrus. " She raises her sunglasses back over her eyes.

" I didn't think you'd be out here. " I sit down on the pool chair.

" How can I not take advantage of this? We don't have pools in our backyard in New York. I have been posting on Snapchat and Instagram all stuck up. " She laughs. " I hope you don't mind. "

I chuckle lowly. " That's fine by me. " I like how straightforward and honest she is. What you see is what you get with her. I can respect that. I pull off my socks tossing them on the chair. I go over near the pool squatting down and sticking only my legs in. The water was warm thanks to the heat from the sun. I kick my feet around the water enjoying the warmth of it.

My thoughts were everywhere as I awaited my uncle's call. The fact that my mother would sink so low as to take everything I had away from me was unfair. She wanted to control me and once she realized she couldn't she targeted my possessions. I won't allow her to get away with it. I'm tired of standing idly by while she ruins my life. I can't allow her to win not this time.

" Cyrus... " Amber's voice distracted me as I looked back at her. " You didn't hear anything I said, did you? "

" I have a lot in my mind. I'm sorry about that. "

" Want to talk about it? " She asks.

" Not really. " I shrug.

" I can respect that. I was just asking you about Elian. How are you two really doing? "

" We are doing fine as far as I know. I'm sure you know of my mother's distaste of our relationship. "

She rolls her eyes. " I try to bite my tongue when the topic of your mother comes up. I don't too much care for her. Out of respect for you, I won't say what I really want to. "

" By all means speak your mind. She's no mother to me. "

" She's a bitch! " She shouts out once I gave her the go ahead. " I've never known it to be possible to dislike someone so much. My experience with her was short and even then I disliked her. "

" I can understand. I know Elian will confess stuff to you quicker than he would for me so I have to ask... Is he genuinely happy here? " Inquiring minds wanted to know.

" Honestly, He is. He is a little homesick though. This was a big step for him coming down here. He really wanted to get an award because he was hurting to much back home. I definitely feel as though you saved him from doing something really drastic. You stopped him from sinking into a depression. "

" That makes me feel a little bit better. I only want him to be happy. He hasn't expressed any displeasure with me, but you never know. "

" Elian genuinely likes you, Cyrus. You must have some good penis on you because he usually doesn't allow most people to stick around. " She joked. " Relax your mind a bit. He's not going anywhere. "

" Do you think I should try to get them to come around to Elian one more time? " I ask. She was giving some really good words of wisdom to me.

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