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Elian Dreyfuss
Cyrus's House
8:59 AM
May 24, 2011

I awoke the next morning with the sun shining brightly in my face. I turned my face to escape the blinding light piercing my orbitals. The sheets were very silky. I massaged my hands around the covers enjoying their soft texture. Once I finally got comfortable enough to open my eyes I looked around the room. I raised my head looking to see was Cyrus in here with me.

I could hear noise coming from the hallway. I'm not in the habit of walking around people's house, so I decided to wait inside the room. I went inside of the bathroom to handle my usual morning business. This wasn't one of those situations where he had an extra toothbrush for guests like most gay stories. Instead, I gargled mouth wash two times. That'd have to do for now...

I exited the bathroom at the same time Cyrus's door opened up. He walked in with two plates in hand. I sat on the bed as he handed me a plate with waffles, hash browns, and eggs. I watched as he walked out of the room. He returned back in with Syrup, Silverware, and Apple Juice. Well, that was surely unexpected.

" How did you sleep? " He asks moving to the opposite side of the bed with his plate.

" About the same as others. " I shrug looking down at the plate. My mother has been gone for two weeks now and it still feels so surreal.

" Well you won't feel better by starving yourself. " He says, motioning down to my plate.

I didn't feel like hearing his badgering. I began eating slowly. The food actually tasted pretty good. It has been a while since I'd given myself a big meal. I wasn't up to doing much these days. Her being gone definitely withdrew me from a lot. Cyrus is putting in efforts to make me feel better so I must give him the credit he deserves.

" See that's not so bad huh? " He smiled, bumping my shoulder.

I chuckle weakly while continuing to eat. He turned on the TV, handing me the remote, so I could turn to something. I turned to Spongebob because this was my favorite cartoon to watch in the morning time. " Don't judge me. "

" Why would I? You're never too old to enjoy cartoons. " He joked, setting his now clean plate aside.

I finished off my plate setting it aside, and grabbing my Apply Juice. Images of yesterday played back in my head. I slept on his chest, and we took a shower together. Now he's just going to act like that didn't occur. I don't want to bring it up if he isn't thinking the same way I am.

" So I think we should talk about some things. Last night in particular. " He says out of the blue.

My heart sunk in not knowing what he was about to say. I know I never initiate stuff between us. He has a way of making it seem like I'm delusional when he makes passes. " What about it? " I ask, taking another sip from the glass.

He sighed looking down at his hands. " We can't act like we didn't take a shower together, or that you didn't sleep on my chest. "

" We did. " I nodded. " I thank you for your comfort. "

" No problem. I wasn't trying to overstep any boundaries but where is your head at? "

I look over at him as his eyes were locked on me. " I mean... I feel you're a really good friend to me right now. I know I'm supposed to be just your assistant but you've been there for me. Obviously I'm not ready for anything serious given what just happened. "

" Of course I know that. I just wanted to see if you were of sound mind from last night. I don't want you to think I'm forcing myself on you or anything. "

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