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I stood in my navy blue cap and gown, my hair waved to perfection and my silver heels glistened in the sun that shined through my room. I was graduating. In two days, I'll be on a plane to London, to my new home and I couldn't wait. I smiled at my appearance. I smiled at my makeup which came out beautiful, burgundy eyeshadow to match my burgundy halter top form fitting dress. 

"Wow, Addie." Hayden breathed, she sported a mid-thigh length, dusty purple dress with a strapped back, she also wore cream-colored ballet flats. "You look beautiful." 

"Oh, please! Look at you!" My arms wide open as I gestured at her appearance, "You're the most beautiful graduate, Hayden!" My compliment earned a scoff from my best friend.


Sitting in our places, Hayden just a few rows behind me, we awaited my principal to begin his speech. 

"Today is the fun part. The past four years I have seen all of you work extremely hard. All of us working here remember the young children who started school looking somewhat overwhelmed and overjoyed by the whole 'high school' experience. We are the lucky ones who have had the privilege of helping you with your growth in education. We have watched your parents support you with everything you did. Let me thank the staff and support team for their dedication to the students and the way they love to see the students take center stage. They spend extra hours just to find that extra help they can give each student. A true group of professionals. Let me also thank the families. They have given us so much of their time. Fundraising, assisting with events and supporting their child. What a wonderful group you are, Class of 2013!" He paused to look at all of us before continuing, "Let me take you back to that day when you first walked through the doors of East Boston High School. Hard working teachers monitored everything you did. We gave you homework, timetables, mentors, assigned reading and midterm papers. It must have seemed like you had no time to do anything which you controlled for yourself. The reason for that is simple, you were given time to create your own future. Today I feel incredibly proud of everyone and thankful for the opportunity to serve you all. I always find it very sad to say goodbye to my seniors. Life must move on and I take comfort in being sure all of you will grow and thrive in whatever you choose to do. There is a big world out there waiting for your talents. Good luck to you!" 

The stadium erupted in applause and whistles. Soon, our names will be called and we'll get our diplomas and I'll be at Oxford University for the next four years and it feels so good. 


It had been two hours and they're just getting to M through Z and that meant I had to stand up in a line that felt ten miles long. I decided that if I zone out it'll go by faster. 

And it did. 

"Adelaide R. Monroe, Oxford University attendee, Class of 2017." I met my principal at center stage where he then handed me a black certificate holder that had EBHS across the top and I knew my diploma rested inside. I shook his hand and walked off stage and waited for Hayden to walk as well. 


Adelaide R. Monroe

In having satisfactorily completed the course of study prescribed by the Board of Education and is therefore awarded this


In witness whereof, we have affixed our signatures on this month, June 2013.

Her smile was the brightest, "Hayden G. Reigne, Oxford University attendee, Class of 2017." 

I couldn't suppress the tears that were welling up in my eyes at the sight of her, I've watched her lose hope in everything and I've watched her get up and start from square one. I knew this day would come for her and I'll always be proud. 

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