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As soon as we landed, it was like time went by in a blink of an eye. Tomorrow was orientation and today we decided to just clean up a bit around the flat.

Jet lag kicked our asses when we first arrived and it was like we slept for a whole month. Hayden swears we actually hibernated. Just about a month ago, we got all of our furniture and other small decorative things to give the flat more of home kind of feeling and believe me when I say, we felt at home the second we walked into the cool, musty air of London.

"Hey, Ads, where do you want the gaudy mirror?" Hayden yelled down the small hallway.

"It's not gaudy, you ass! Leave it in the hall and I'll hang it there or something!" I shouted back, we were both too loud for our own good but it was entertaining.

I finished up dusting around the windows and little trinkets before moving onto Hayden's room and doing the same. Once that was finished, I moved on to the hall where the mirror lay against the left wall. The mirror was modern, vintage, Asian chic with brown, turquoise, and red accents. I decided that I'd hang it directly in the middle of the wall so it'd be easier for Hayden and me to double check our appearances before we head out.

"Ads, do you remember that really good looking guy I got stuck next to on the plane? Harry, I think it was but it was so long ago, I'm not sure. Anyway, what if I see him? What do I wear? I'm -"

"Shut up! Hayden, please, you'll be fine. If you see him, you see him! You're thinking too far ahead of yourself. Just breathe, relax," I tried my hardest to comfort her, the boy on the plane was quite a blessing to the eye but he definitely wasn't my type.

"I know! I'll wear my light blue distressed t-shirt, black jeans, my dark blue sweater and my boots, I'll find something to do with this mop tomorrow," She seemed relieved to have found something to wear for orientation. I only laughed before turning in for the night.

I sat at the edge of my bed and looked into my closet, I knew I'd wake up early so I'll just do what Hayden did and pick out my outfit tonight instead of tomorrow morning. I stood up, sighing, and searching through my closet. I found a navy blue and white striped dress and a black blazer to go on top, I was indecisive about my shoes so like any best friend would, I banged my hand on the wall that separates our two rooms.

"What the fuck do you want, Adelaide?" I giggled at how frustrated she sounded.

"Blue or black?"

"Those blue shoes are so ugly, Ads, don't embarrass yourself! Wear the black ones!"

"Thank you!" I knew my blue shoes were ugly but they were an ugly kind of cute, like our new sofa, it's all floral and has a vintage touch, it's ugly but perfect.

After placing my outfit on my desk, I really turned in for the night and drifted into a deep and peaceful sleep.


"Adelaide Rose Monroe, get your bloody ass out of bed!" Hayden ripped the covers off my body, the cold instantly hitting my warm body.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I rolled out of bed and waited for Hayden to leave so I can get ready in peace. I was dressed in about five minutes, my hair and makeup was done in about a half hour. Hayden didn't take nearly as long as I did but we were ready twenty minutes before orientation so that gave us enough time to eat and walk over to campus.

"What do you even get at orientation?" Hayden asked with a mouthful of bagel.

"Schedule, of course, a tour," I paused to place my dish in the dishwasher, "it's just one big meet-the-teacher event."

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