Chapter One

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Her beauty was mersmerizing,ravishing she was like the sunset at the horizon,like the rays of the sun dancing on the tranquil sea,like the beauty of the night sky.Her figure,flawless,like the work of a proficient sculptor. Her skin,shone like that of a river deity.Even Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love envied her beauty.She was the fairest amongst a thousand whose beauty couldn't be compared to any other.

Her face glistened, even more than the purest of gold. She was gold herself, well sort for by gods and powerful kings,not mere men.The way she walked,like a serpent gliding on a steep slope.Her beauty makes one gasp for air in awe.She was indeed a Belle. But how could a mortal be so beautiful? Many claimed she was the castaway daughter of Poseidon, the god of the sea while others claimed she was a demigoddess whose origin was anonymous.

Her beauty,it was rumoured, tormented men and drove them mad.Battles were fought for her cause.

Soon,she stole the attention of the gods,even the greatest of all,Zeus. Zeus was captivated by her beauty.He watched her from his abode like a thief admiring an expensive artifact .His lust for her grew stronger each day,he couldn't resist her mystifying beauty.Hera,wife to Zeus,the Queen of the gods,goddess of marriage and birth was consumed by jealousy.How could Zeus,the supreme ruler of all gods fall for a mortal woman.She became enraged and plotted to kill the mortal.

    She colluded with Hades, god of the underworld and ruler of the dead to kill the mortal.Since he was an archenemy of his brother,Zeus, he decided to help Hera carry out the cruel act.They were stopped by Perseus. Perseus ,one of the sons of Zeus fought against Hades in a battle that shook the earth as he protected the mortal against his villainous Uncle.

Zeus was mad when he discovered the treacherous plan of his wife to kill the mortal.She had colluded with his worst enemy,his brother,Hades, to kill the mortal.She had committed treason.Zeus ordered for the confinement of Hera,he was to strip her of her title as the Queen of the gods,that was her punishment. But who was he planning on bestowing the "Queen of the gods " title on? It was the mortal! Zeus planned on giving the mortal the elixir, the eternal life portion.He wanted to make her a goddess so she could take the place of Hera, his wife and sister.

Many gods were not in favour of Zeus decision, but he was the king of the gods,his say was final,unaltered.Hades,brother of Zeus planned a deadly coup.Zeus was murdered in his sleep,impaled by his very own weapon,the only weapon that could kill him.As the news of Zeus demise reached the ears of other gods,a vicious war broke out.Zeus was dead, so anyone could have the mortal. The earth trembled in great tumult as gods fought each other. Zeus faithful servants fought along side nemesis, the goddess of vengance and retribution as they sort to defeat Hades and avenge the death of their supreme leader.The battle of Good and Evil was on.

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