I walked into my first period class and stopped at the door way, studying the white board that had multiple numbers scribbled all over it. Sprawled across the entire board were all different sizes of the number sixty-nine in all sorts of colors. I covered my mouth, trying to hold back a laugh just as Alex Hoffman walked right beside me and snorted in disgust.
"Real mature. I forget, are we seniors in high school? Or freshmen?" She asked, nudging my side a bit as she laughed. Her teasing earned a few chuckles from various classmates. Alex was a tall blonde who was a size over "thick" however she was supposedly thick in all the right places according to every guy. I on the other hand am an average sized brunette who is awkwardly thin and awkward in general, thus showing why I tend to stay in rather than go out and party like Alex.
The loud shrilling sound of the bell sent us to our seats, and Mr. Smith closed the door behind him. I slung my bag in the empty seat beside me and took out my spiral notebook. My phone buzzed against the desk and I quickly grabbed it while Mr. Smith looked over at me. He narrowed his eyes at me as he asked, "Miss Baker, would you care to turn off your device or shall I?"
"Sorry sir." I mumbled gently.
I put my phone in my pocket as he started to call out attendance. He had yet to notice the drawings behind him, however he began to catch on as he heard the muffled laughter from my classmates. Alex glanced at me, holding back her laugh. I held back mine as well.
"What's so funny?" He asked. The teacher had a thick English accent, and it was so amusing to everyone whenever he got angry. He turned around and gasped at the sight while the class roared with laughter. Quickly, he grabbed an eraser and wiped away the sinful drawings while the class continued to chuckle.
"Who did this! Who— you!" Mr. Smith's voice rose in fury as he pointed at the back of the room. I craned my neck and looked behind me to find Jake Anderson sitting with his feet kicked up against the desk, a smirk plastered to his face. Jake Anderson— the varsity football player and the eye of every girl at Lincoln Way High. Well, almost every girl.
He may of been my eye at one point and he may of been my boyfriend, but now I want nothing to do with him. I've wanted nothing to do with him for the past year, and he's been completely pushed out of my mind. He was a trouble maker— a selfish, narcissistic asshole if I might add— who only cared about himself and his popularity level. Jake glanced over at me and winked, and I looked away in utter disgust.
"I will not be putting up with your silly little shenanigans, Mr. Jacob." The teacher called out as he shook his head curiously. Jake raised his hands in defeat and shot back a simple yet pathetic apology, and Mr. Smith just brushed him off as he took attendance. His loud, booming voice was muffled as I got lost deep in my thoughts, something I tend to do on a constant basis these days. I was someone who rather be lost in my own world rather than reality, and almost everyone knew it.
Black ink splurged from the fine point pen as the tip touched my paper. I let my my mind wander and take control of my hand. "Here," I called out softly, not lifting my head up as I heard my name being called. Scribbles turned to lines and lines turned into a small sketch of a flower. I jumped in my seat as a hand slammed down against my desk, pulling me away from my thoughts.
I looked up, giving a weak smile as I saw an angry teacher hovering over my desk. He scrunched his nose in anger. "Miss Baker, would you please open up your textbook and join the class in our lesson?" He asked me, glancing down at my drawing. I nodded my head quietly and took out my book, flipping open to the page that he labeled on the board.

Beastly || Andy Biersack
Fanfiction"You only care about yourself." I snapped. His face softened. "That's not true." Such a lie. He had no shame in lying to my face, nor did he have shame in his behavior or actions towards me. He was selfish. He only cared about himself and no one aro...